Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

In Darkness,

First of all, I would like to just say thank you Dan and Tiss for believing in me. I'm just going to give a small speech. Ok that was it. Now for the news

News: Everything seems to be picking up in the house and we all have to be ready for the GJW(which is on hold). And when things pick up in this house they pick up. Vargas has been appointed CMDR of Sentinel and made Sith Warrior, way a go. Our lovely AED has earned herself a promotion to Sith Warrior, shes on fire. Due to RL problems Qui has stepped down as CMDR of Black Omega, but no fear hes staying in the house. Speaking of Black Omega, the new CMDR is Anthol, congrats. Now Tiss has stressed this enough that there be NO argueing, that goes for everyone. Trivia is being held by me and Vargas, so participate. O and the alvaak ladder is underway, sign up.


1)Practice, practice, practice

2)Behave, but have fun

Master/Apprentice Program:

As of now, I want every master to report to me Fridays. I need to know what you are doing and how you are progressing. For anyone who hasnt had a master yet, Kyle, Ronin, and Daniel Goad are still open.

Thats all for this week, take care.

DJK Blaine (Sith)/RM-FM/Ronin of Alvaak

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