Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Good evening ladies and gentlemen

Its 01/18/03!

And so it came to pass...

Weekly News

All the new summit guys are in place. Blaine is the new RM, Anth is the new BO CMDR and the jedi formally known as Dash, Vargas Lornan is Sentinal CMDR. He also got a promo to SW this week so big up to him!

Tiss also got the promo to SW so big up to her too!!!

I am formulating a list of the active people in the house and am going to try and disperse them equally amongst the battleteams so as to encourage the others to become more active. It would help me a lot if some of you were willing to move battleteams in order for me to make these changes. In addition as part of this Tiss and i will be going over overall activity and giving rewards to those we feel deserve them.

We need some recruting being done. Even i receruited someone thi week!!!! He should be with us soon.

Problems on irc continued this week. Both myself, Tiss and Blaine have addressed this problem in the last few days so im not goign to say anymore. You know what you should be doing. Also while i am having a moan about behaviour on irc, there have been certain people who have been expressing their opinions on irc to myself, Tiss and others. This is fine, so long as you do it calmly and politely without being rude. What is not right is fro people to demand explanations from us for our actions. You may ask, but if you do bear in mind that we dont ahv to answer and if we do give you one then you may not like what you hear. The summit makes the decisions, that is why it is the summit.


Continuing this section we have this weeks pick of the plays.

Track of the Week - The Kinks ~ Lola

Karaoke Track of the Week - Disney ~ A Whole New World from the Aladdin soundtrack

Album of the Week - Backstreet Boys Karaoke :)

Artist of the Week - Josie and the Pussycats

There concludes the new section, feel free to comment on my musical taste :)


GJW practice is being run by Blaine, details from him.

Go sign up for stuff in Alvaak ladder!


Go sign up!!!!!!!!!

Go take part in the run-on too. Its on the House MB

Also Vargas and Blaines trivia is running, go compete!


Var -> SW

Tiss -> SW

Chaose -> GRD

Chris Cox -> DJK


None this week


Koriel -> Caliburnus

Shadow Academy/IWATS

none this week


  1. RECRUIT!!!!!!

  2. Follow Jedi Trials

  3. Prepare for thousand of comps the summits are working on :)

QUA's Final Thought

Hopefully now we will be able to settle down with the new summit members. I have some projects im working on for the house and clan and will hopefully start launching these soon.

Cheers for now,

CMDR-TCS/CPT Daniel Goad/Echo/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard


SW Daniel Goad (Sith)/QUA/Ronin of Alvaak


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