A new CON has been appointed to Clan Alvaak, and with that new appointment some matters have changed regarding the selection of a new QUA and AED for House Ronin. At this time the Clan Summit is not accepting applications for either position. On behalf of Clan Alvaak I apologize for the fact that the former CON mislead so many in believing that applications were being submitted. KE Keiran Idanian and I already have a member in mind for the presently vacant QUA position, and I have also recommended another qualified member to the CON for the currently vacant AED position as well.
Until a new QUA and/or AED is appointed to House Ronin, the CON has placed GRD Tissaya Argat as the temporary head of House Ronin since she is the highest ranking Battleteam CMDR. She is currently forwarding any and all House business to the Clan Summit for immediate attention. All CMDRs are still expected to submit a weekly report to their teams and for the time being to the Clan Summit as well. Just be sure you CC GRD Tissaya Argat with them as well.
SBM Wil Striker (Sith)/PCON/Clan Alvaak
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