Consul Report


Consul Report


SBL Jeff Loruss Reporting in for Clan Taldryan

Report # 38






5>SA Test Results-

6>Scavenger Hunt-

7>CONSUL’s Thoughts


REPORT LINKS- You guys need to post these on please J


Archanis QUA-

Archanis AED- attached TXT file- Please also upload your reports to the Database-

Dinaari QUA-No report this week or is late.

Dinaari AED-

Ektrosis QUA-New QUA expect first report next week.

Ektrosis AED-Attached TXT file.

TCC-I have seen a few more submissions come in but I do not think that it will be enough to keep this COMP going unless I see some serious submissions over the next 11 days.

Members of Clan Tally the next GJW is getting close everyone please be ready as I would like to see 100% or as close as possible participation in the COMP.

Yes it’s a little bigger and it will be again next week :P

Folks I can’t stress this more. I need to see your reports posted on the DB database please. If I have to then so do you.

We have a new QUA for Ekky everyone say CONGRATS to Archpriest Bubbles

I am sure she will pick up where Bejta Left off and keep things rolling.

As for Bejta I would like to personally say thank you for all your hard work and dedication as QUA of Ekky.

Also a big CONGRATS goes out to Ekky Member Alanna for gaining her new rank of KPN. WHOO HOO a well deserved Promo.

I have here a little pick me up speech as seen earlier this week on the E-group I wanted everyone to see it one more time. :P

Members of the Pimpest Clan of all the Pimp Clans, Taldryan,

No less than two days ago, I awoke from a dream. The dream was a

beautiful one, filled with prancing ponies and Dodge Vipers that

belonged to me.

That however, is not why I write this to you this day.

My friends, my brethren, my brothers and sisters of the Tal, I have

come back to you at the turn of the pimpTide. I have come back to

you with the greatest of intentions and the strongest of

motivations, to see my clan Taldryan reach its potential of Glory.

I have felt it coming, the dawn of a new era, the era of triumph

where all members, young and old, shall be reborn as believers. They

shall believe in the power, they shall believe in the truth, they

shall believe in the glory, and they shall believe in the Taldryan.

You are members of Taldryan, and as such you are not the best in the

Brotherhood by default. But you will be the best by your worth.

Taldryan is an idea, an idea that has lasted through the years of

this brotherhood. Yet it is an idea that is falling by the wayside.

That idea is this: We're better than you not because we write and

fly and fight better, but rather because we act as one, act as a

family and as a clan. This Family of Taldryan shall stand tall and

proud of its finest moments yet to come and no one shall bring us

down. We don't care what you say, we don't care what you think. We

are Taldryan and you can suck it.

We Don't Care because You Don't Matter.

Taldryan, I have returned to you, my rightful clan.

Believe in the power.the power of Jac



<2-Joins/ Parts /AWOL‘s>

Requesting Member: PRT Phantom (Obelisk)

Order changed to: Sith

As a result of your order change, you have been transferred

Transfered from :House Dinaari

Transfered to: House Archanis

Requesting Member: DJK Coranel Both (Krath)

Order changed to: Sith

As a result of your order change, you have been transfered

Transfered from :House Ektrosis

Transfered to: House Archanis

ACO Haste black (Krath), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Battle Team Phoenix [ORB]

Transfering To: Rogue

DJK Incandescence (Obelisk), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Battle Team Soulfire

Transfering To: House Dinaari

GM Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin (Krath), your transfer request has been


Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Rogue

Transfering To: House Ektrosis GM JAC’s Back WHOO HOO!!!!

NOV Skorbacca to House Ekky.

The following Email change request has been approved:

Requesting Member: SBM Rakhai (Sith)

Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Recommendation for: Sabbath (Sith)

Old Rank: Novice (NOV)

New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)

Recommendation for: Anga Salinas (Krath)

Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)

New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)

Recommendation for: Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Protector (PRT)

New Rank: Guardian (GRD)

Recommendation for: Shaithis (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)

New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)


This section will now state what types of medals were awarded over the last week since the actual medals should be seen in the house reports :P















<5-SA Test Results>

This is going to be the same- I will state how many DB course and how many TC course were completed as the tests should be shown in house reports.

DB Course completed-7

TC courses completed-2

6-Scavenger Hunt-

Hunt #4- DJK Kermee

Hunt #8-Kevin Pryde

Hunt #9-GRD Angelus

Hunt #12-DJK INcandescence

Hunt #13-DJK Incandescence

Hunt #15- Coranel Both

Hunt #16-Coranel Both

Hunt #17-Coranel Both

Hunt #18-Coranel Both

Hunt #19-GRD Anga Salinas

Hunt#20- No one won this one. WHOO HOO I stumped you guys :P

Hunt #21- Coranel Both- I bet no one saw this coming right?? :P

Hunt #22- I need the URL to this news post off of the DB news page. It was posted on the DB news page some time In the past. I also want to know who posted it and the date and time it was posted.

Please also note that this is not the full post but only part of it. However the part that I am copy pasting here is seen exactly in the news post.

Some new functions of the KCC are:

  • Merged with the Krath Website.

  • Edit your latest post within 30 minutes.

  • Wins and total matches will be counted and displayed in your sheet from now on.

There you have it. I bet this will take COR at least a day to find . MUHAHAHAHA!!! :P

<7-CONSUL‘s Thoughts>

Keep up the awesome work on the Feud!!

Keep up the awesome work!!!!

SBL Jeff Loruss(Sith)/CON/Clan Taldryan



Former Sith Academy Instructor- {SA:DfSS}

Former P:SHW

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