Shadow Academy Staff Requirements


Shadow Academy Staff Requirements


Apologies in advance for the long-arse post.

Below I've listed my requirements for the new Shadow Academy staff. Applications will be accepted until November 30th, at which point in time I hope to have the new site up, with my corrected content. At that point, I will announce these positions, and we can progress with Phases Three and Four of my Shadow Academy upgrade.

Interested folk, read on. ;)

The successful applicant for Praetor will:
·Be highly active
·Demonstrate an ability to work with people
·Demonstrate the ability to communicate fluidly and effectively
·Have an email turnaround time of less than 24 hours
·Be willing to put in as many hours as necessary for the Shadow Academy

Other things that may lend themselves to your credit would be experience (either leadership or otherwise); a wide variety of skills; and some knowledge of all the Orders and their platforms.

My Praetor will be in a demanding position. They will be required to work with a wide variety of people, both above and below them. They will need to be committed to seeing training improved in the Brotherhood, and must have some ideas as to what is needed. Any number of things may be asked of them, and I don’t promise that the workload will always be distributed evenly over a timeframe. Some weeks, my Praetor may get off scot-free, and other weeks, I may ask inhuman things of them. My P:HM’s primary job will be to ensure that all tests get graded on time, and carrying out work that I may currently be putting off as extraneous. They will be an extension of the HM position, and make the SA that much better.

M:HM (2)
The successful applicant for Magistrate will:
·Be highly active
·Demonstrate an ability to work with people
·Demonstrate the ability to communicate fluidly and effectively
·Have an email turnaround time of less than 24 hours
·Be willing to put in as many hours as necessary for the Shadow Academy

Other things that may lend themselves to your credit would be experience (either leadership or otherwise); a wide variety of skills; and some knowledge of all the Orders and their platforms.

The only way in which Magistrate differs from Praetor, is that the Magistrates will be responsible for overlooking the Combat Academy. The Combat Academy will be a training unit, dedicated to teaching MP tactics for all Orders. My Magistrates will be responsible for overseeing the Combat Academy on a direct level – keeping track of classes offered by the instructors, evaluating their performance, and generally helping me see this awesome new feature rise up.

CT (12)
The successful applicant for Course Teacher will:
·Be highly active
·Demonstrate an ability to work with people
·Demonstrate the ability to communicate fluidly and effectively
·Have an email turnaround time of less than 72 hours
·Be willing to put in as many hours as necessary for the Shadow Academy

Course Teachers are a less vital but still integral part of the Shadow Academy. Up until this point, only a select few courses have had specific graders. Beginning now, I would like to see every course marked by a separate individual. This will make the load on everyone lighter, and give more people the potential to take their hand at a position with responsibility to the membership.

Phase One - Open
Phase Two Krath - Open
Phase Two Obelisk - Open
Phase Two Sith - Open
Leadership Studies - Troutrooper
Krath CORE - ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar
Obelisk CORE - Open
Sith CORE - Open
Krath Grammar Studies - Ciara Tearnan
Sith Flight Studies I (ISET) - Open
Sith Flight Studies II (ESET) - Open
Sith Tactics - Reaper MacDougall
In addition, each new course will require a Teacher.

CI (18 - 6 per Order)
The successful applicant for Combat Instructor will:
·Be highly active
·Demonstrate an ability to work with people
·Demonstrate the ability to communicate fluidly and effectively
·Have an email turnaround time of less than 24 hours
·Be willing to put in as many hours as necessary for the Shadow Academy

Combat Instructors will be expected to put in more hours than any other member of my staff (minimum – other job's time maximums are much greater). These people will be required to instruct members of the Brotherhood in multiplayer combat - for the Sith, flight skills; for the Obelisk, combat skills; for the Krath, combat writing (and to an extent, generic writing as well) skills. They will be given some leniency, but also expected to perform certain duties. One-on-one instruction will also be a key part of these people's work.

To sum it up:
P:HM - My right hand man (or woman), who will take care of whatever I deem to be their duties.
M:HM - Partial supervision of the Combat Academy.
CT - Grading of their respective courses.
CI - Offering classes on improvement of members' multiplayer skills.

Like I said earlier, applications will be accepted until November 30th. The announcement will come ASAP following that. Applicants will not be restricted by Order (CI applicants, please state which Order you wish to instruct for). You may only apply for one position (CT applicants do not have to specify a test). When applying, choose carefully - I will be screening applicants for Praetor or Magistrate harder than I would for CT or CI.

Applications should be directed to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with all of the above information, as well as anything else you feel will aid your application's merit.

The exact specifics of these positions will become clearer with time. Hopefully the above gives you a sense of what will be expected of applicants. On that note, good luck to all applicants.


Obelisk Battlemaster Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

OBM Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council


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