Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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Sith Warrior Astix reporting for Pandragon Battleteam, 22/01/02

CMDR's Words:

Welcome to the first PD report of the year gulp. Okay, so I've not managed to churn one out but I have been in contact with all of you, right? :-P So quit glaring like that!

First off, we welcome two new members. Big hand please to returning Pandragon member; Jedi Hunter Adams. We also have another transferee from the rogues- Guardian Jerik Arca. I think it says something about our squad when I get emailed with a transfer request from a guy in the rogues saying he wants to join what he's heard is the best Sith battleteam. We gotta be doing something right, no?

With regards to the SSL2, okay so we lost. We came second, and second's just the first of the loosers, right? No! We came VERY close, and if we had Minkus with us on a permenant basis we'd have won hands down- as it is we still won on points, if not in actual score on the vital battle shrug. We still did good, and we're still going to win the Sith part of the GJW.


-Two new members

-Big news is of course that we came second in the SSL. Oh well, a first place in the first season and a second place in the second... we'll be first next season, just watch.

-Lotsa shiny trinkets handed out for the SSL. Good work Philo and Halc, who took a whole bunch of first and seconds.

-GJW is almost upon us- we'll come out top on that, just watch.

Ongoing Activities:

-We're kinda at a lull for the moment, but the GJW should see us with some serious activity soon.

-I have organised a comp between PD and the very best pilots of the Infiltrator Wing. Most of them are just above or at my kind of skill level (400-450k on the average TIE Battle), so we shouldn't have too much of a problem. That'll come after the GJW. Hades and Demos are taking care of the paperwork to make sure that I'm impartial since I intend to fly.

-I want to try getting us doing some MP flying again. People who can make it into #Arcona at about 9:30pm GMT on Saturday with a view to flying either XWA or XvT, email me.


<span class="109360418-20012003">JH Philo has been awarded the Steel Cross</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">ACO Halcyon awarded a Crescent w/ Ruby Star</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">JH Philo awarded a Crescent w/ Amethyst Star</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">ACO Halcyon awarded a Commendation of Loyalty (I found this rather amusing. It says something when they HCI someone for supposedly cheating and then the same person gets a CoL a week or two later. Ahh well, that's bueaocracy for ya)</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003"></span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">Promotions:</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">None</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003"></span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">Course passed:</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">SBL Reaper passed practically every single goddamn IWATs test there is. Bah! :-P</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">JH Adams passed Sith Core, Sith Flight Studies, and Phase 2. Nice work :-)</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003"></span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">Activities:</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">-Most of us flew in the SSL. Nice work :-)</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">-JH Adams flew DB4</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">-Lots of IWATs and SA courses taken.</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">-More detailed run-down next report. (I'm going to get them out every week from now on. Promise :-P )</span>

<span class="109360418-20012003"></span>

<span class="109360418-20012003">Roster:</span> <span class="109360418-20012003"> </span>

<table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="Type2" align="left">Name</th> <th class="Type2">Email</th> <th class="Type2">Rank</th></tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>1-1 _Sith Commander Astix</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Warrior</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>_1-2 _Sith Flight Member Dirk Logan</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Acolyte</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>_1-3 _Sith Flight Member X</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Jedi Hunter</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>_1-4 _Sith Flight Member Nurel Turr</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Jedi Hunter</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>2-1 (XO) Sith Flight Leader CTXclr</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Dark Jedi Knight</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>_2-2 _Sith Flight Member Mini Minkus</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Dark Jedi Knight</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>_2-3 _Sith Flight Member Adams</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Jedi Hunter</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>_2-4 Sith Flight Member Jerik Arca</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Guardian</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>3-1 _Sith Flight Leader Philo</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Jedi Hunter</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>_3-2 _Sith Flight Member Halcyon</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Acolyte</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>_3-3 _Sith Flight Member Reaper</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Battlelord</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>_3-4 TBA</td> <td width="200"> TBA</td> <td witdh="106"> TBA</td></tr></tbody></table>


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Sith Order Website:

Shadow Academy Website:

Dark Brotherhood SG Website:

In darkness,

SW Astix (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona (Cr-1E)

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