Obelisk Tournaments


Obelisk Tournaments

Hello Obelisk brethren,

Since our current OHC is on leave or is AWOL...I am remaking the tournaments because they are either inactive, or they have no one to run them on a continual basis. I want all current tournamen hosts to email me with name of the tourney they're hosting, and the time. This needs to be done ASAP if I am to fix this...Otherwise I'll just restart all the damn things :P

Secondly, if you want to host a tournament, or start a Jedi Knight tournament contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
I want to know who you are, your rank, when you want to host/run the tournament, what its gonna be called, and who can play (ie: Obelisk only, DB-wide, EH-wide) Also, if you're interesting in just holding a training night, this means no CF's or Crescents can be awarded, email me with the same info.

Thirdly, it has come to my attention that I have been somewhat of an asshole to some of you on irc. For that I apologize, and I hope we can start working together for the benefit of the order.

OBM Shadow

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