Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Nightshade Battleteam

Report #20

Week ending Thursday January 23rd

Commander: SW Jaron Kai

Sith Warrior Jaron Kai stood before her assembled pilots, they were eager to hear the results of the latest House Competition, Nightshade had flown well and everyone was sure they had finally taken victory away from Nightmare. Jaron shuffled her papers and came to the results, "I'm sorry Sith, but we lost again, this time by only one point!" Waves of dissapointment flowed around the room, they had been so close! Feelings of frustration and then anger followed their dissapointment. "Just what I was hoping for," Jaron said under her breath. She raised her voice, "Dark Jedi of Nightshade, I feel your frustration, anger and pain, but take heart, and harness that power, because when the Great Jedi War comes, Nightmare, and all the other teams in the Brotherhood will not be so lucky, never again will we lose by one point! Our victory will be decisive!"


- We lost the House Flying Competition by only one point!  Its disappointing, but it was a good effort, special thanks to Aidan Griffith (formerly Bizzare) who managed to fly even though she joined the team only two days before the mission was due.   

- Nightshade has a spiffy new website at It will have 800x600 compatibility as soon as I upload the files, check it out!  

- As January comes to a close, it's a close race for the Squad Fly-Off, participation this month has been great, so let's have a good race to the finish!  

- GRD Bizzare changed her name to Aidan Griffith  


SW Jaron Kai - Flew TIE-IW #24, 25; TIE-Free #188  

SBM Eugene - On leave, moving, should be back soon  

ACO EHDarkshadow - No Contact, please e-mail me!  

GRD Yun - No contact, I want to hear from you this week, or you may be AWOLed  

GRD Diedre Varn - No Contact, please e-mail me and let me know what's up =)  

JH Ace Hobbes - Completed the Nightshade Website  

DJK Falcon - Flew XWA-TC #1-9  

ACO Ketan-Shej - E-mail Contact  

GRD Aidan Griffith - Flew TIE-Free #188  


Dark Cross >>> ACO Ketan-Shej  

Crescent w/ Topaz Star x2 >>> GRD Dierdre Varn   




GRD Aidan Griffith >>> Nightshade (from Rogues)  

  DJK Falcon >>> Nightshade (from Nightstalker)  



- Catchy name, eh?  Anyway, each mission you fly, and each CF you earn counts for one point.  Any submissions for House Flying Comp, SSL or Dark Jedi Games count double! The person with the most points earns a Emerald Star , second place gets an Topaz Star, third gets a Quartz Star. Competition runs from January 1st to January 31st!  


JH Ace Hobbes - 311 Points

DJK Falcon - 55 Points

ACO Ketan-Shej - 42 Points

SBM Eugene - 8 Points

GRD Dierde Varn - 2 Points

GRD Aidan Griffith - 2 Points


  • Enjoy a break before the GJW and do some flying for the Squad Fly-Off

  • Enjoy all your new promos and medals and get ready for the next challenge!


  • Contact me with any ideas for competitions!

Submitted by:

SW Jaron Kai (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae




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