#15. Some great developments this week... ;)
Obelisk Battlelord Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
OBL Mage (Obelisk)/HM/Dark Council [GMRG: CRU]
It's finally coming to a close. After god knows how long, it's going to get finished.
I will be inputting the final few pieces of information I need to, and then the site will be placed in the able hands of SCL/P:SCL and IOA's ^CyberGuy^ and JaM3z.
Once they get their bit done, I will be reviewing the final product. If it works, I will upload it to my private server for a test run and for GM approval. Then, you'll all have a shiny new SA! :)
See the class list in all its glory at:
Another week passes, and I've still only got one entry...
If I don't receive at least 5 more submissions, the competition will go under, and you'll all have missed the chance at some shiny crescents. I'll also have to design the building myself.
They're still at:
Leadership and Obelisk Core both passed 100 recently, and Krath Grammar Studies is at a marvelous 99!
Overall, things are on the upswing.
-SA Site - Will be complete shortly
-New Phase One exam - Done, awaiting approval
-New Phase Two battles - XvT almost done, other two will follow swiftly on its heels.
-Combat Academy - Classes up and running! More soon.
-Envoys - Proposed changes approved, awaiting approval on database work
And, as always, the miscellaneous other things on the go... like helping Mairin get the GJW together...
Tune in next week, same Bat-time, same Bat-URL.
**_Obelisk Battlelord Mage
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy_**
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