Right, your QUA is back, you like it or not, and even with if my modem died last week today I'm again here to bother you all MWHAHAHAH =P Now, I haven't seen much partecipation this week in our business and I hope to see it rise soon. I have heard some disturbing rumos about someone complains on a pubblic channel about one of his superior, I hope it wasn't anyone of you guys, but I want to make something clear. If you have a problem with your SGT, AED or RM, came to me and I'll take care of the business; if you have a problem with me then go to eighter Frey or Keiran; if you have a problem with Frey go to Keiran and then if you have a problem with Keiran go to the GM and DGM; so, to make it short, if you have a problem with someone in a station above you follow the chain of command, it will help things run smoothly for everyone and if will save you a visit of some Inquisitor at your quarters..trust me, I facet that once and it wasn't funny... Now I think it's about time to proced with the news.
DB News:
The DGM is running some misterious project we all will hear in the near future.. stay tunned.
The GJW has been delaied a little bit so we have some more time to shape up and be ready for the fights we'll face in march.
Clan News:
Nothing special happend as far I'm aware off so I'd say nothing to report =P
House News:
Two new members just joined our house so please everyone welcome JH Mazrim Taim and ACO Sirik Xirok, our new Brothers at Arms. Welcome guys.
Your trully isn't facing a good time latelly due to some hubber crap in my progamming course so I beg everyone pardon if I won't be much talkative for the next few weeks. My door is always open to anyone though, I simply won't be able to spend much time on irc.
The bi-weekly screenshots. The rules are simple. You play jk or jk2. Each match you play with different persons, you take a screenshot and you send it to me an Jacen. The person that submit more screenshot every 2 weeks get a crescent. The screenshots must be taken in matches agaist other DBer.
The CLAN Ladder! http://auctoritas.minos.net/ladder/ join ASAP.
#Obelisk is also the default channel for anyone willing to play JK or JK2 with our guys. I'd like to point out also that it's always a great pleasure to slash in pieces members of other clans so what are you waiting for ??
The comp to determinate the name of our brigate is ended, DD will announce the winner soon.
House Motto contest. Ok, face it our motto isn't one of the best around so Jacen started a comp to determinate a new motto for our House. Submit it to Jacen and me asap, you don't have much time left =P
Activity Report:
Me, OBM Khan
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Not much sadly.
OBM Ryell Zoith
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Working on some stuff.
OW Jacen Aylen
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Still performing his duties and tollerating me.
DJK Deathdealer
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Performing his SGT duties I hope (=P).
DJK LilHawke
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Nothing this week.
DJK Vally
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Nothing this week.
JH Mazrim Taim
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Just joined.
ACO Kodiak Kereban
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
On semi-leave.
ACO Sirik Xirok
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Just joined.
OBM Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OW Jacen Aylen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
DJK Deathdealer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
DJK LilHawke [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
DJK Vally [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
JH Mazrim Taim [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
ACO Kodiak Kereban [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
ACO Sirik Xirok [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OBM Khan (Obelisk)/P:OHC-QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]
AED Report:
Greetings fellows and fellowerettes,
It was a very good week here in Auctoritas...
-We received 2 new transfers this week, which puts us up to 9.
-The CLAN Ladder! http://auctoritas.minos.net/ladder/
-Also, we are in the process of choosing a new motto for House Auctoritas. Send me your entries (as many as you want) by Sunday the 26th and midnight Eastern.
-There is also the bi-weekly screenshot competition that you all know about. Play JK or JK2, send us your screenshots.
-2 in. JH Maxrim Taim and ACO Sirik Xirok
-None out
-No medals
-No promotions
Obelisk Warrior Jacen Aylen
Aedile/House Auctoritas of Clan Alvaak
RM report:
Welcome to the second edition of my report. Here we will discuss whatever it is that I have to report in elation to the house roster 'n such. Someone has been recruiting quite well because we have gained two new members!!
JH Mazrim Taim from Rogues (welcome back to the land of the living)
ACO Sirik Xirok (we are glad to have you! ..my young apprentice muhahaha!)
Unfortunately, that is all I get to babble about this week. Maybe next week someone may actually get a medal!! ..it IS possible I tell you!
Respectfully Submitted,
OBM Ryell Zoith, Rollmaster
SGT Report:
None this week.
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