Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings brothers and sisters

I am sorry that my report is late I have my exams starting on Monday and forgot about the time I wont be a too long report since I didnt even have time to check everything through and prepare the report, sorry for that as well. So lets start


Nothing special happened in activity this week, at least I think so.


Monthly topic, KCC and other DB wide comps

The KHP already said that many many entries came in for the KMT, but dont be afraid to send something in as well. We have a Limmerick topic about Pain and the Story topic is about Invasion :)

KCC matches have slowed down a bit. If you want to challenge me please notice that I am in the preexam phase so I might be responding only slow. I have a battle running as well, against Timeros. It is like a debt. If I win he will join tarentum if I lose he still has a choice :PWish me luck.

GJW are coming soon so stay tuned.

"Kill the Krath High Priest"

Your wonderfully handsome and insanely talented (muaha, not) KHP has performed an act(s) so horrible, so terrible, so evil that the integrity of the DB has been compromised. Tronsta must be put down, one way or another. You, the aspiring Dark Jedi, take it upon yourself to play the role of Imperial Bounty Hunter and take the criminal Tronsta down for the count. Ok, you need it spelled out? Dead.

In two to four pages, write an interesting story on 1) Why I deserve to die and 2) How you decide to kill me. This is DB-WIDE! Everyone is welcome to submit. Big props to Dalthid of CSK for the original "Kill your TET" idea. :)


1) Don't kill me because I looked at you wrong at the last DB meeting. The reason should make the average evil Dark Jedi look like Barney the Purple Dinosaur if you get my drift. I did something BAD and I need to die. Make it realistic, and interesting!

2) Be realistic! I'm a Krath Epis. Don't think for one minute I'll go easy on you. I will be using every trick in the book to avoid being MURDERED :P So no DJK's or GRD's or the like walking up and slicing my head off with your saber. I'll toss it in the shredder. Write about teaming up with your Clanmates, or about tricking me into a hanger bay and flying a TIE into me, or locking me in a Rancor's den during mating season! You get the idea. :P Be realistic, and take rank into account.

3) Make it a story. Don't make it a rough outline or narrative. Originality and interesting content will win this event. Make it silly, make it gory, make it crazy.

This event will be on for 2 weeks. February 7th will be the cutoff date. Lets say you got until 11:59pm Friday night on the 7th to get this in to me. No exceptions.

<br< Promotions - Medals & Courses

No promos no medals

General News

Jade Avius left Gladius

Thats right, sadly Jade left DB for religious beliefs. We still hope she will return some day :)

Dark Voice

The editors of the DV mentioned that they only got 5 submissions for the DV so far. I urge you to make submissions. You did so many great pieces of work, why not sending them in and getting a Dark Scroll for each? :P

AWOL check

Dont forget that there is an AWOL running. Mail [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with ID line till the 24th January! :)

Activity Reports

Soon the activity reports for this months are due. DOnt forget to cc me on them. You just have to include your activities in a short list.


DJK Rage Akaido - TET

GRD Siterath Goersase

GRD Demerzel

KAP Aari Nikus

DJK Jason Hunter

ACO Valpugius

ACO Desann

Special kudos and thanks

This time empty :)

Have Fun

TET Rage Akaido

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