Greetings all and welcome to this weeks report,
As you might have noticed no report was sent out by myself last week, that had multiple reasons, the most important was a HDD crash that caused me to lose every thing (yup no backup :/) . thx to the large inbox of my mail account and the fact that i leave mails on the server till i delete them, i was able to recover many mails and think i didn't lose any regarding to promotions, medals and such.
Reason number 2 was a really big exam that i had last week and that needed lots of attention, trying to put a report up would have meant cutting from my study time , and after hearing that it was my job anyway to get a report out even under these circumstances i thought bah you guys will survive this week without one .. so on to important things
For some reason not all transfers out of the clan seem to be documented i know of Auto's move out due to RL, because he copied me on his mails, but there is someone missing and i can't put my finger on who it is :P last report we had 57 members in the past 2 weeks 7 new people have joined the clan 2 left officially and one unofficially that i know of (Autoris), that means we should be up to 61, only the Roster shows 60 clan who on earth is lost?! mail me if you have any idea and it might be worth your time :P
Want to extend many congrats to DarkHawk who made SW. His dedicated and continuous level of work made him truly deserve it, so congrats.
Due to current situation in the DB Reza our much appreciated Vashino SGT decided it's no longer fun to put time and effort in this place just to find out it's not only not appreciated but you actually get your idea's ripped as well. if you look at the medals section you'll notice we are missing the 10-20 CoF's that he would have earned in mp fights due to his skill and unlike any stupid comment by some idiot or the other who thought to call him a cheat. Atm with things going as they are on higher lvl there is nothing we can do about it except hope that some time soon things would change for the better and Reza might return to his known activity.
Unfortunately the bad news doesn't stop there, Kirleta's QUA Azazel sent a lengthy mail to the house drawing a bleak picture, the mails that came back were all supportive, only the problem persists that support is NOT translated into obelisk style activity! yes not every one can be active all the time and not every one can take part in all comps, and no you don't have to go to rogue cause you need sometime off, but what is happening to kirleta atm is really sad! the only ones who can change this are the members of the house! you have been offered monthly comps, clan comps and what not but always the result , your entries were meager at best. you guys know or if not here i'm telling you this can not go on! forget about the GJW or any comp for a sec and think about this: this club is a place to have fun, and to be on an house roster doing absolutely nothing than prolly the occasional IRC presence is not fun, it's not fun for you (i mean how can it be fun to be in a club and do nothing? shouldn't you at least have the decency to request your removal to the rogues if you have no longer interest in being part of this place?) , and it is not fun for your clan/house mates, the few who actually work their butt of trying to get you to move trying to create fun comps and put in the time to participate in comps, just to be beaten down by the indifference of the majority.
If you have in your heart any thing left for your house and your clan then this is the time to mobilize it. answering AWOL checks is not exactly the activity that is expected from someone who is here by his own free will , who by becoming part of the clan/house has actually sworn allegiance to this place. if you no longer like it here no one is forcing you to stay, but if you stay show some dedication to this place and the people in this place!
Talking how every thing is fine and all is cool and you are here is not enough, there are multiple mp comps weekly when was the last time you took part? there is trivia at the DB meeting , when was the last time you bothered and tried to give an answer?! and now stop for a moment and ask yourself when was the last time you did something for your house? If you want to do something , there are many things that can be done all you need is to DO THEM NOW!
Btw i do not want any sort of a reply to the above from the usual suspects who actually read every thing and are willing to answer, this is not directed to you, it's directed to those who for some reason forgot how it is like to have fun here. from those i want to hear an answer!
I have received all needed info to phase one from Pyralis, as well as the Shups/Page/Dalthid phase 2 submission. so i'm still missing the krath phase1 entries. i need those! also remember the flying and jk ladders are still open and they are for ALL clan members no hose restrictions on those!
Also i would like to mention Bigdaddy who has been able to recruit three newbies to the clan and his team in galthain, he is currently leading the list of recruiters... he is unfortunately also the only one on that list (i have this thing in the back of my head that Arania did recruit too..only i can't find anything on that :/) ! so guys the recruiting drive is still on and you got a chance to get some nice awards out of it so what are you waiting for?
Members : 60
hmm only 8 cof's in 2 weeks.. on the comp medals Galthian gats most with awards for three comps being handed out. only one comp apparently with one entry in aleema and none in kirleta :/
but let's not forget that there ARE medals awarded and that those receiving them deserve to be congratulated!! :)
MP Medals:
[JK2] Obelisk Vengence Comp 1/16/2003
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: DA Reinthaler (Sith) x2
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: GRD Big Daddy (Sith)
[JK1] Obelisk Madness 1/17/2003
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: DJK Selket Isis Entar (Krath)
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: GRD Draco Caanis (Sith) x2
[JK2] Win at OHC Rampage - 1/18/03
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: JH silent (Krath) x2
"Ancient Scrolls" Competition:
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)
Requested for: OBM Psyko Prefect (Obelisk)
Round Robin #2: Round 1
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: DA Reinthaler (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)
Requested for: DJK Vessicant (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Topaz Star (T)
Requested for: SW Blade Kilraven (Sith)
House Galthain Readiness Competition #2
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: GRD Big Daddy (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)
Requested for: JH TK-2107 (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Topaz Star (T)
Requested for: SBL Ricardo (Sith)
Dark Jedi Song Competition.
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: SBL Ricardo (Sith)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)
Requested for: SWL Drako (Sith)
Merit Medals:
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: GRD Big Daddy (Sith)
Reason given for request:
Guardian Big Daddy has become one of the most loyal, active, and energetic
members of House Galthain. Ever since the end of December, BD has
consistently submitted countless pilot files, specifically: TIE-DB 2, 3,
5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; TC 1, 14, 31, 122; BHG 1, XvT-FREE 34,
XWA-TC8, 9, 10, 11; FREE 34 (All of these for fun). In addition to this,
he has also had four MP victories in a CSK competition: "Worth It?!: Phase
Two" as well as 3 ORWII victories, having recruited DA Reinthaler to
Galthain, passing the Shadow Academy course: Leadership Studies, as well
as flying XvT-DB 1 for the Readiness competition AND filling in for the
Delphian CMDR while he was on leave - consistently emailing the squadron
and even writing a good report on January 6th, 2003. Even though he was
just promoted to Guardian 2 weeks ago, ALL of this activity simply can not
go unrewarded. A Star of Eos is a fitting reward for his consistent,
aboveboard service over a period of two weeks. - SBL Pyralis
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: DJK Dalthid (Krath)
Reason given for request:
Dalthid, several times per day, updates his Phyle web site and recently
redesigned/moved it to to the liking of most all in the House.
In addition to this work, he still finds the time to compete in EVERY
competition that comes down the line, very often taking first in MOST of
them. His time and efforts are commendable; just a small thank you for
your continuing work for the House! - KP Page Meridian
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: DA Arania Lawakiro (Krath)
Reason given for request:
DA Arania has been instrumental in the communication with new Tyros for
Spirits of the Night. She is also a key player in the instigation of
Currently, she has taken it upon herself to update the House web site, a
task that has long been overdue. She is a credit to the Krath as well as a
hardworking example for the Phyle.
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: DA Reinthaler (Sith)
Reason given for request:
Words can not describe the phantasmagorical depiction that Dark Adept
Reinthaler made in a new, unexpected submission of the best banner I have
ever seen for a Sith House in the Brotherhood. When I look upon this
banner, I see a belligerent warrior who would do anything in his power,
even give his life, for the better welfare of the clan. He is a stolid,
seasoned Dark Jedi who wields a fierce blue light saber and wears the
scars of battle. It really is the single most amazing Sith-like graphic
creation I have ever seen. As such, I award Reinthaler the Dark Cross. -
SBL Pyralis
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: PRT Luke Morin (Sith)
Reason given for request:
For playing 3 MP matches in CSK's "Worth It?! - Phase 2" competition -
furthering his skills while remaining a very good sport, in addition to
flying XWA-F 2, XWA-TC 1, and XWA-TC 8, JH Hawker and I feel PRT Luke
Morin has done quite nicely to deserve a Dark Cross for his activity in
House Galthain. - SBL Pyralis
Other Medals:
Medal Requested: Legion of the Scholar (LS)
Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath) x2
Medal Requested: Legion of the Scholar (LS)
Requested for: GRD Big Daddy (Sith) x2
Recommendation for: rebelkiller (Sith)
Old Rank: Protector (PRT)
New Rank: Guardian (GRD)
Recommendation for: Lump (Sith)
Old Rank: Novice (NOV)
New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)
Recommendation for: Sloth (Sith)
Old Rank: Novice (NOV)
New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)
Recommendation for: DarkHawk (Sith)
Old Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)
New Rank: Warrior (SW)
many grat on the promos, keep up the good work! :)
welcome to all oif the newbies and the old guys coming back!
Novice Thorin Oakenshield
House Aleema of Satal Keto
Guardian Sayo Hirosho
House Aleema of Satal Keto
Acolyte Sloth
House Galthain of Satal Keto
Acolyte Lump
House Galthain of Satal Keto
Protector Xura Verr
House Galthain of Satal Keto
Dark Jedi Knight Ghost
House Aleema of Satal Keto
Warrior Akul Sinatek
House Galthain of Satal Keto
bye to :
SW Talon Jade (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.
Transfering From: House Galthain
Transfering To: Rogue
DJK Tatsu Kogarasu (Krath), your transfer request has been approved.
Transfering From: House Aleema
Transfering To: House Dominatus
Sith Imperial Starfighter Engineering and Technology Order Study:
Akul Sinatek (Sith)
Sith Enemy Starfighter Engineering and Technology Order Study:
Akul Sinatek (Sith)
Leadership Studies General Study:
Arania Lawakiro (Krath)
Aishea (Obelisk)
Requesting Member: GRD Big Daddy (Sith)
Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Requesting Member: DJK Dalthid (Krath)
Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Requesting Member: GRD Delak (Sith)
Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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