Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


Greeting my Dark brethren,

                                                    Welcome to yet another week, I appoligise for not being around much on IRC this past week, But some Real life issues cropped up this week that kept me offline allot . The clan is still awaiting the recount of the results from the Feud, so allot of us wait with baited breath . Once the results are finally released i am sure we will all have reason to Celebrate.  

I thought about Running a competition before the Great Jedi War starts in the Clan , After reading the DGM Report i see the GJW is once again delayed , I did however get a great idea for a competition from SW Dolza Commander of nightmare Battle Team . I am going to talk to him some more about his proposal this week, Then make some noise with the house summits, we might be able to get this little competition in before the War . Keep our Wits nice and sharp.


Ah a topic i like quite alot, The clan currently stands at 64 members and i am proud to say a large percentage of our membership is active , However as always i would like everyone to be mindful and look for Friends or colleagues from other Sub groups , Who show potential to use the Force . I would like very much to get the Clan to 70 members . So everyone Keep your eyes out, Perhaps a Competition from the house summits involving Recruitment mmm... *pens that in " Speak to house summits about recruit comp " .


I have seen many fine trivia competitions in our Clan , The DGM issued a competition for Trivia Questions , I am sure in fact i am very Sure that some CSP members can pick up a medal or two in this Competition. Check it out


So... you think you know your trivia...? Here's a chance to really prove it. I'm in need of vast stocks of trivia questions which I don't have the knowledge of Star Wars to make up on my own.

So here's the challenge... whoever can submit the most (and best quality) sets of trivia questions in a week, wins a nice yummy Crescent with Diamond Star.

Submissions will close this time next Saturday (7pm GMT), and you'll need to send them to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject line: "I ROCK AT TRIVIA I DO!"

Thats all from the PCon this week, Until next week my Brothers and sisters


SBM Darkmage

Pcon of CSP

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