Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Heya... I'm a bit after Page this time, so let's cover what we haven't seen in his report yet (and of course a few opinions of my own, seems I can never hold back on these ;-) )

Hmm... Page has left out the section on medals, promotions and other honors. I didn't really believe this section could be empty, so I checked for myself and indeed: Nothing. Well, almost nothing, but he couldn't know that when he submitted his report. Saturday's trivia got me another LSS, but that was it for this weak. Yes, no typo... this week was indeed weak in regards to anything changing for the better on anyone's roster listing.

Competitions... Page has listed them for you in all details, so you can't say you don't know about them... and he's right in that there's a lot of them that don't require that much effort and once you do, I'll be happy to report more medals next week. Deal ? See, thought so. You're good Aleemans after all ;-)

GJW... the best projection we have for this now is mid-February. That means quite some time to go. Uh, that gives you a great opportunity to finally do Gord's Clan comps. With at least three more weeks, anyone can complete 3 pages about finding our PCON.

SWG... this really doesn't rock my personal boat, but I won't stop anyone trying to be active in it, on the contrary. Everything that makes you a more active DB / EH member is a good thing.

IRC... you could be there, you know ? And while we're at it... please keep inappropriate language and/or all-too-bad flaming of superiors to private chats. Nobody here wants to see you having a run-in with the HCI. It's quieted down in the last week, but it can't hurt to say it again: You can say everything. Really everything. The catch is: You can't say it everywhere and to everybody. If in doubt and you really need to vent, catch your friendly neighborhood AED in a private chat, okay ?

Generally: If you can't find a competition that's to your liking, just let me know and tell me what you'd like to do. It's not too far-fetched to say that about any Krathish activity can be accomodated. And if you really need, can't live without or must have that ONE topic no competition organizer ever seems to touch to develop your character: Make yourself a one-person competition by creating your work and submitting it to the Dark Voice. You know, if you win this competition (and it's hard not to!), you'll get an award - a nice Dark Side Scroll.

Hmm... when I read this report again, I pretty much said "go and be active" in several ways. Erm... I assume because that's really the message I want to get across ? Aleema has about the greatest writers in the DB - however those won't do any good if they don't write...

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