Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

01/26/2003 House Archanis Weekly Report- SW-Rexal Qel


Greetings brothers and sisters and welcome to a new Weekly report of your House. This report will be a lil longer, so sit down and read it carefully.

                                 Point one:  

Attached : the latest and definitive version of ML. This copy will be usefull for the Chancellor too.

  Point two:  

This is from the SHW: tell to SHW your competitions if you want more industrial points...this means new crafts.

Point three:

I like complaints, opinions and ideas. Be easy and talk to me about all: I'm here just to listen everybody. Don't fear to spam my mailbox. Write something to me: you QUA is alone :P

Thanks to all the members who have adviced me during the last week.

Point four:

SSL is won by Stingray Squadron of Tarentum. A former member is doing great for the wrong House. Bah:P

Point five:

I have three new comps for the month of February.

You can view this report also at:

  • Competition corner-

Night Raid competition will end tomorrow (Monday) at 17:00 GMT . John will announce the winners. PS. Sorry John I had a full week this time. I will participate to your next comp.

http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/default.asp this is the url of Taldryan Combat Consortium. Sign up and fly.

Do you want mplayer????? Shadow Warriors project is done. The date is for every Sunday at 6 PM GMT on #Archanis channel. Azazel will run it. Awards will be announced after the competition approval. Will set a site with best pilots of our elite: the Shadow Warriors.

  • Personal evaluations-

Coranel fictions are really good: go Coranel.

John is doing a great job. He loves this House and it's under our eyes every week.

Az has done a load of missions. You are an example to follow, Az.

Good job to Sabbath, your activity is most appreciated.

Good job also to Phantom :)

Grat job to Astarosta your activity is an exmple of costance.

  • Joins and departures-

JH Blade has joind CV, Welcome!

Devin Taralis (Dragon) has left our House to Rogue.

  • Promotions-

ACO Sabbath to PRT, congratulations.

ACO Scuslem to PRT, congratulations.

SBM Predator to SBL ( read Sith Battle Lord), whoaaaa...congratulations Pred , it was unexpected ;P Congratulations Pred, you really deserved it.

  • Medals-

Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E) to Phantom.

Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E) to Sabbath.

Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E) Astarosta.

DC to Azazel.

As every week:

I want your reports on my desk by saturday night or sunday morning. CON Tiger want this from now to a new order.

Join the Channels on mIrc sometimes at least #archanis and #taldryan

Do the competitions I've assigned to you and all the other.

Read and reply to msg boards:


At the moment we have to rebuild this House and it's my intention to reward all the members who will be active on this way. I accept suggestions.

Do Shadow Academy courses there are many and they are not so difficult to do.

                       -=QUA Escort points=-  

We are waiting the end of the month.

                         -=Personal Activity=-  

Presence on mIrc ( really limited) . Dealing with all the members of DB.

XvT and TIE for TCC.

Recruiting for the House and my squadron in TC.

Posting on msg boards.

Making projects about the House with the summit and other members.

-=AWOL tracking=-

I have a personal list with all people who may be awoled soon. So I suggest you, and u know who u are, to do something asap.

my best wishes,

SW Rexal Qel (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan



FL-FCA/CPT Rexal Qel/Spectre 2-1/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

PCx3/ISMx2/LoC-PSx47/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [CNTR] {IWATS-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3}

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