JH Blade(Krath) TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan
Tetrarchs Words-
Not much to report this week everybody. The one bit of news that has a direct effect on us right now is that Reaper has left the phyle for the Sith. I will miss you Reaper, One of my original Horsemen, the door is always open for you to return to us.
The Great Jedi War is coming soon, be ready for it. As a practice, I am running a couple of Comps beginning in Feb, a short story comp and a new motto comp. Both are approved and Medals will be awarded accordingly.
Requesting Member: KP MacDougall (Krath)
Order changed to: Sith
As a result of your order change, you have been transfered
Transfered from :House Ektrosis
Transfered to: House Archanis
New Motto Comp Feb 2-9 Medal awarded will be a Crescent with Emerald
Short Story Comp Feb 1-14 Medals for first and second. CR with Emerald for first and CR with Topaz for second.
Just got here. More next week
None that I am aware of. Hopefully Next week.
That is all for this week,
Respectfully Serving,
JH Blade (Krath)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan
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