Work on the medal images progresses! The Sapphire Blade has been completed, and concept art for the Ruby Scepter, Nova, Cluster of Fire, and Legion of the Scholar have been done. Gelton and Kethoron continue to amaze me, and once you see these images, so will you. I have no ETA on when all the images will be completed, but I imagine a month is a generous estimate.
Remember that if you want medals awarded for your competition, it must be registered on the Deputy Grand Mistress' website, If it is not registered, or you forget the competition ID, your medals will be denied if no prior arrangements have been made. This process is not a difficult one, so no excuses will be taken.
In regards to awards for making websites, there will be no specific award for it. However, before you recommend a medal for a website you must first [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the URL of the website, and a list of what is on the website. The items should include:
Number of pages and title
Any code used
If code is used, what functions
Approximate number of hours worked on the website
Based on the above, or anything else you choose to include, and my own examination of the website with possible consultation from the Seneschal, I will report back to you what I feel is the worthy award. Understand that if all someone does is a layout the person will more than likely not get any higher than a Star of Eos. Websites will more than likely get no higher than a Steel Cross, unless it is an Order-level website with extensive coding. While this may sound unfair in retrospect of what some people have earned for websites, I am doing this now to prevent abuse later. Some people have done websites solely because they knew they would get a high-level medal for it; this is ending.
I'd like to welcome Jedi Huntress Tirna Q'jira to my office as a Magistrate. She will be responsible for awarding Scrolls of Indoctrination to people who have recruited a member that has passed the CORE training in the Shadow Academy.
No high-level awards this week. :(
<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top">Dark Adept Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood
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Ack! Don't change the Cluster of Fire image. Thats the best one we have :P
Be nice, Shad...
These mysterious, unidentified, unlinked images may turn out nicely.
cough hint cough :P