House Ronin
Aedile Report
31st of January
Aedile thoughts.
Greetings all :) My new battle has been realised!! /me dances around. XvT DB #8 !! :) Do I need say anything more? Go, go, go to your fighters and complete the battle! That's an order! :P
Blaine & Var's trivia finished I expect you guys to annouce the results and winner in RM's report in this week. Don't forget we still got a run on, post another part of story as well.
Few awards and promotion in this week. My very own apprentice has been promoted to the new rank of Guardian.. congratulation Wisal :)
I'd like to remind that also FLs should CC'd me & Dan to their weekly flight reports. And spekaing about reports.. I want to see team reports on fridays, no later. If from any reason a CMDR is unable to write it on time, then tell your team-XO to do that instead. Anyway I want to see each friday all 3 reports on my desk, clear? Ok.
Tomorrow Last Man Standing comp begins. Be ready, here you'll find all needed info
CMDRs, I expect to get from each of you, a mail where you list all yours team members, with short note about each one, like who is eligible for promo, or who would you like recc medal, about each person activity/inactivity nd such. It's not a MSE but something common with. Send it to me before the monday.
DJK Rahj Caedmon transfered from House Dominatus to Ronin, warm welcome :)
JH Mark Shueler left the House and now is a FM in House Oriens Obscurum (Clan Arcona)
The trivia is over, winners will be annouced soon.
Tomorrow (1st Feb) new competition begins.
"Kill the KHP" comp is still on (til the 7th Feb) more details on DB news page.
Continue the run on.
Be active in Alvaak Ladder
Tomorrow begins Last Man Standing Comp, so be active there as well.
ACO Mordecai --> PRT
PRT Wisal --> GRD
PRT SAvageAz : DC
SA/IWATS courses
GRD Thomas Nitecki: IWATS Core, FLA, ICQ, RT, SM/3, TT, TTM, VB
GRD Wisal: Sith Core
That's all.
SW Tissaya Argat (Sith)/AED/Ronin of Alvaak
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