Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Sorry sorry sorry guys, this week I haven't done much at all in general as my study are becoming more stressful as far I reach the exams and I spent all my time programming... not funny at all and I've not been able to do anything else for the DB. That leads also to the lose of my position of P:OHC and I'd say I'll have made the same in his place. Anyway I'm not pleased with the performance of the House lately. No one has submitted me ANY screenshot this week and that means no one of you lazy dogs have done ANYTHING in 2 weeks and that's not acceptable. Now since I'm in a bad mod and with the GJW started I will, and that's a promice, fire out of the House whoever won't partecipate in this event. So guys, you have 3 choice: 1) Be active and win medals for partecipating 2) be inactive and recive the bot or 3) request now to be trasfered out of the House. Why I'm taking such decision you say ? For the simple fact that I can not belive that no one over 9 persons has been able to play a single match in 15 days. That leads me to belive that you a) don't give a damn about what we do. b) belive this is a sort of retirement House or c) you are too lazy to hold an active role in the DB. Eighter of those possibilities are not acceptable for a member of any Clan and expecially for THIS Clan. I'd like to remind you guys that this is Clan Alvaak, the first and most prestigious Clan of the Brotherhood and as such we.. I... require a certain standard regarding activity from my members. It's not a secret that I'm fair open about rewards and that's another issue that should have leads you to stay active but it seems you don't care about awards eighter so I made things simplier for everybody. Stay active and partecipate in the GJW or move our of the Clan.

Now that I finished my announcment I can proced with the news.

DB News:

Only one but it's the one most of us has been waiting for.. the Great Jedi War (GJW) is officially started and the first round if a run on http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=4344 Go post for Alvaak !

Clan News:

Nothing that I know about.

House News:

Nothing happened this week.


None, nothing, zero, no one ....


The bi-weekly screenshots. Same rules, same results =P

The CLAN Ladder! http://auctoritas.minos.net/ladder/ join ASAP.

#Obelisk, each day something to do, go there !

Activity Report:

Me, OBM Khan

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Nothing this week.

OBM Ryell Zoith

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Nothing this week.

OW Jacen Aylen

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doing something =P

DJK Deathdealer

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Nothing I hear about.

DJK LilHawke

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Nothing this week.

DJK Vally

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Nothing this week.

JH Mazrim Taim

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Nothing this week.

ACO Kodiak Kereban

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On semi-leave.

ACO Sirik Xirok

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Nothing this week.


OBM Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OW Jacen Aylen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Deathdealer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK LilHawke [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Vally [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

JH Mazrim Taim [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Kodiak Kereban [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Sirik Xirok [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


OBM Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]




AED Report:


Your Aedile has been busy this week trying to get back in the swing of things with flight sims since he rejoined the TC, heh...I'm not having much progress either. Stupid broken-English missions with retarded plotlines. :P Onward...


-The Brotherhood goes onward another week with no significant changes that I can tell. Mairin does apparently have some big thing planned for the meeting, but unless it's the GJW...




-Bi-weekly screenshot competition. Send in a minimum of 7 screenshots and at the end of every 2 weeks the people with the most win! Simple, eh?


-No medals

-No promotions

-No transfers

Shame, shame...

Obelisk Warrior Jacen Aylen


Aedile/House Auctoritas of Clan Alvaak




SGT Report:

None this week.

RM Report:

None this week.


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