Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Have you been to the DB news page in the past 24 hours? (as you should my little jedi?!)

Did you notice anything out of the usual? No you didn't? KICK then you have missed the start of the EVENT the DB has been waiting for since months. Yup the GJW finally starts!

I will allow myself to c+p that little post here so you don't miss it again ;P

" Great Jedi War: Solidarity

Posted by DJM Mairin Astoris - 2/1/2003 [11:31:08 AM]


The Great Jedi War is now running. The first event currently open is Open 1: Run-on, which you can find here:

Further events will follow next weekend.


you saw that? good! so you know only the Run-On event started and more events will be announced next weekend. this would mean a complete week with nothing to do but the run on. ok so you are sith ..or obelisk..does this mean this does not concern you? What? Was that a yes? KICK of course it does concern you! If it concerns the clan so it does you! we already got multiple posts there, by non Krath too! So dear CLAN member off you go to

As i have said before our own Comp will go on till the GJW starts, so i guess this means ours is OVER!

And before you wonder what on earth happened to the so much anticipated third phase, allow me to tell you it went down the drain for multiple reasons the first and foremost was simply said lack of interest! you don't believe it? mail me privately and i will explain.

for any one who might still be writing any thing next weekend is when you submit it, if you don't then you can as well delete it or send it over to the Darkvoice. another thing i need to know if any one still has a copy of garou's and selket's first event entries. I already asked for those a couple of times and have gotten no reply!

Medals will be awarded next week end.

Bad luck seems like stuck in Kirleta. Due to an exploded transformer and the following power surge Waza's computer has been turned not a pool of melt plastic. so he will be out of contact for some time now. Also Mark just informed me of having to go on LoA for a week.. ARGH.

So till further notice Reza is acting AED for house kirleta . thx again man!

Not many medals awarded this week, grats to those who got them and those who didn't get any: go get active!

just on a side note recently Pyralis has been the only one handing out merit medals and i wondered is it the cause or a result regarding activity in Galthain. So my recommendation to the other summits: See one who deserves an award? hand it out!. See one whom you think an award would motivate into becoming a full active member instead of so half/half, then again award it.

No matter what should be there first, we have to start somewhere!

Would like to welcome another piece of CSK and EH History to the clan, after Reinthaler i'm happy to say welcome to Donitz whom Pyralis also talked into joining! :P . Another piece of clan history coming back in the form of Troutrooper. welcome back man! and i do hope you would like to stay here longer than only for the GJW!

Last but no least a welcome back to Autoris, who spent a couple weeks of R&R in the rogues before coming back.

Grats to Big Daddy on his Promo to JH. Be sure it is only a step on the way to much higher things! :)

(Go read those nice recommendations btw ! :))

And lastly nice work Akul on completing that Leadership course! :)

Members : 64 !



MP Medals:

[JK1] Obelisk Madness 1/31/2003

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: DJK Selket KuroHyo Entar (Krath)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: DJK Reza (Obelisk)

[JK2] GMRG Tournament 1/25/2003

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: GRD Delak (Sith)





Round Robin - Round 2

Medal Requested: Crescent with Sapphire Star (S)

Requested for: SW Blade Kilraven (Sith)

Medal Requested: Crescent with Emerald Star (E)

Requested for: SBL Ricardo (Sith)

Medal Requested: Crescent with Topaz Star (T)

Requested for: JH TK-2107 (Sith)

Merit Medals:

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: GRD Draco Aloran Caanis (Sith)

The request was made by: SBL Pyralis (Sith)

Reason given for request:

I must admit overlooking something in the activity record. So, this

recommendation was made a bit late! Draco Caanis has, since joining

Galthain, flown XWA-TC 4, XWA-TC 5, XWA-TC 6, and played one match in the

CSK Worth It?! Phase Two MP ladder, achieving one loss. He recruited SW

Akul Sinatek to House Galthain as well. These accomplishments have already

warranted the award of a Dark Cross. So, congratulations Draco! - SBL


Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: GRD Josh Popelka (Sith)

The request was made by: SBL Pyralis (Sith)

Reason given for request:

Welcome Josh Popelka to the medal club ;P Since November 17th last year,

you have played XWA-F 61 for the first Delphian vs DDD competition, the

SSL Round 3's XWA-F 34, and most recently RR-R2's XWA-TC 23. It has taken

quite some time to get this, but I think I can say that you have done

enough to warrant this reward. It is a valuable Dark Cross, Josh. Wear it

with pride... -SBL Pyralis

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: JH Hawker (Sith)

The request was made by: SBL Pyralis (Sith)

Reason given for request:

As AED, Hawker has continued his activity as a pilot. He has played for

the Readiness Competition with: XWA-DB 1, the Round Robin Round 1

competition with: XWA-TC 31, TIE-TC 32, XvT-TC 24, and Round 2's XWA-TC

23, as well as the Open Challenge with TIE-F 194, and just for fun with

TIE-TC 195. Even if he is the AED, any commander's continued efforts as a

pilot must be recognized - regardless of the position he may hold.

Congrats JH Hawker! - SBL Pyralis

Other Medals:


Recommendation for: Big Daddy (Sith)

Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)

New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)

This request was made by: SBL Pyralis (Sith)

The reason given for this request:

GRD Big Daddy was chosen, hands down, as the only Dark Jedi most capable

of being the vanguard for the re-opening of Ghostrider Squadron in House

Galthain. That was only two weeks ago, though. Before that, he was awarded

the Star of Eos for immensurable activity JUST as a pilot in House

Galthain and as acting CMDR of Delphian Squadron while Delak was on

semi-leave. Two weeks since, he was given a nearly empty squadron and

turned it into a squadron with the same if not more than the typical

battle team size in House Galthain with the recruitment of Sloth, Lump,

Reinthaler, and Xura Verr into the squadron. He writes THE best squadron

reports I have seen in House Galthain since September 2002, consistently

writing them on time, and filling them with information that NEVER bores

me and always pushes me to continue reading. He has been a secondary

assistant to the House Summit, and I try to always involve him on any

important decisions before they are made - he has also assisted in

compiling "Worth It: Phase II" ladder changes. He is in frequent contact

with ALL of his squadron members - whether as a whole or individually. His

presence on IRC is constant. Even then, with his exceptional skills as a

Sith CMDR, he has gone beyond that, maintaining his dedication as a pilot.

Since his last reward, he has had 4 Outer Rim War II victories, has played

several MP matches for Worth It: Phase 2 (taking the lead thus far), and

has participated in all of the House competitions for the past two weeks,

including: Round Robin: Round 1 - TIE-TC 32, XvT-TC 24, and XWA-TC 31; and

Round 2 - TIE-TC 199, XvT-DB 7. Additionally, I selected him to provide me

with a criticism/review of a battle I created for Sith Phase 2 of the SA.

Last but not least, Big Daddy as ALSO continued flying just for fun,

having submitted pilot files for TIE-TC 2, TIE-TC 3, TIE-TC 4, TIE-TC 5,

TIE-TC 6, and TIE-TC 7. He is a model squadron commander for ALL members

of the Emperor's Hammer to follow. He has more than fulfilled the

qualifications for the elevation to Jedi Hunter. Congratulations, Jedi

Hunter Big Daddy... - SBL Pyralis

Since he has joined House Galthain, Big Daddy has been THE most active

person I have seen for a long time.He's always flying battles, on IRC and

has gone above and beyond his duty as a CMDR to recruit many people to

Ghostrider Squadron. I have never seen anyone yet who has done a better

job in as short an amount of time as he has. In addition, he has a

positive attitude that has probably helped him to do as much as he has. I

can't really add more to what Pyralis has said, but I wanted to add my

input to illuminate Pyralis' recommendation. Big Daddy has just excelled

in all areas as a leader. Without a doubt, he deserves the promotion. - JH



Jedi Hunter Liara

House Galthain of Satal Keto

Pontifex Troutrooper

House Aleema of Satal Keto

Battlelord Donitz

House Galthain of Satal Keto

Acolyte Autoris Maximus

House Galthain of Satal Keto

All in this week ! COOL!



Leadership Studies General Study:

Akul Sinatek (Sith)



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