02/3/2003 House Archanis Special Report- SW-Rexal Qel
Great Jedi War is commenced and the first event is a run on. You can find it at this url:
Well, all the people who can write something please contact Coranel Both [Log in to view e-mail addresses] he is coordinating the house sith for the run on. If you want further infos please contact him. Your contribution to the cause is important, we must show to everybody we are still alive and we can kick some butts. If you have the skills, please go and write something.
To all CMDRs send me a detailed report about your squadron activity and skills for this WAR!!! Please contact every member of your battleteam and ask what they can do for it.
Shadow Warriors had no participiants. We give you flying competitions and we don't see participiants. I'm disappointed.
TCC competition is over : the site is down and there is no way to do a back up. All the files were lost. The competition is suspended until the GJW is finished.
I have new assignements for those who want to fly during the run on event, you have 15 days for flying them:
XvTTC# 21
I have not recieved any report from both squadrons: this report will be very short.
Well, the month of January is finished and I've not recieved your reports. I have to count the points from the lasts . The results may change if u send me your reports during the day of monday:
Hyperion flight: 2810
Crimson Vanguard: 2621
Sith champion: Azazel over 1270
2nd: Sabbath 1090
3rd: Drak 1020
That's all for now,
SW Rexal Qel (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan
FL-FCA/CPT Rexal Qel/Spectre 2-1/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
PCx3/ISMx2/LoC-PSx47/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [CNTR] {IWATS-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3}
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