Sith High Warrior Report


Sith High Warrior Report

Welcome back to the Sith High Warrior's Report! YAY! Rejoice! OK on to news and such things.

1) Great Jedi War: I was informed the Sith portion is scheduled for release by the Deputy Grand Master this weekend. The portion that will be released is Single Player Missions. I think these missions are fun and also difficult so it should be a real interesting round of competition.

2) Sith Squadron League: SSL Season 3 is slated to begin one week after the end of the Great Jedi War, so you Single Player tyrants will have plenty of competition in the coming months.

3) Sith Multiplayer League: The MPL is slatted to begin as well one week from the conclusion of the Great Jedi War. Hopefully all the kinks will be worked out. The MPL will run at the same time as SSL, so I hope guys are ready to be overly active.

4) Sith Courses: The third course of the Sith Flight Studies, Imperial Warship Engineering and Technology (IWET) has been sent to the Headmaster for approval as an official course. The fourth and fifth courses of the Sith Flight Studies are currently in production as well. SFS IV should be sent to the Headmaster for approval within the next week and a half. No development schedule has been set for SFS V.

5) New Magistrate: I'd like to welcome Dark Adept Reinthaler who will be presiding as my Magistrate. He is one of these old Tau Bum people like me, and his management skills as IWCOM have been proven in the past so I feel he will be perfect to help organize future competitions.

6) New Website: Dark Adept Reinthaler's first contribution was creating a new layout and new graphics for the Sith High Warrior site. It's peerrrtty. (

7) Tau Squadron: I'd like to personally congratulate the Grand Master's Escort Squadron for racking up 105 LoCs and 11 DFCs in Multiplayer Competitions in the Month of January.

Colonel Hades, Sith Battlelord
FM/COL Hades/Tau 1-4/MC Tripidium, IC/GOE/GSx2/SSx3/BSx5/PCx5/ISMx3
[LGNR] {IWATS-RT-SM/1} [A-9b: Nazgul], SBL (Sith)/SHW/Dark Council [KSOE:ENV]

that site sucks :P

I hear Hades still IWETs his pants.

And yeah, that site does suck.

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