Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Greetings Baldes of Malice,

reading a BT report once again.


Again at seven members, though there were changes on the roster. Zekk left us to start working in his new job which is being SGT of Battalion of Fear. Congratulations to him, though he will be missed during the Brigade League. :P Though, we have a newcomer. I want you all to give a warm welcome to NOV Gistenjunge. Cool to have you aboard. :)


None of these latly. Though I hope there will be some in the future, since GJW knocks the door.


OK, just want to remind you all to send me your activity report weekly, every week not later than on thursday, so I can include it in my report. That way our summit will be able to see what you're up to. And I will be able to as well. Remember, QUA and AED aren't the only House members that can award medals and promo's. ;P

I got only one report from you this week and it's report from Rage Maki. She fought a game with Gistenjunge for his phase 2, posted on GJW run-on and was on IRC. Gistenjunge is excused this time since he just joined up, but what about reports from rest of you? Don't let it happen again and send me one next week, thanks. My personal report, mostly played on weekly tournaments and taught some more stuff 'bout webdesign so I'm considering a rebuild of the battleteam website. And I think I will start updating the news on the website so the site has a real meaning in fact. :P More about that later.

Once again, scan the DJB.org news daily, since the Obelisk event of GJW can be now announced anytime. Stay prepared and sharp.

That's it for this week, cya all around.

DJK Sukuth (Obelisk)/M:CoG-SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: GLD]

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