Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Dark Greetings Jedis

This is report #14 dating 08.02.2003. Quite a lot has happened so without any further delay:


Activity is slightly rising, mainly caused by the starting of the first event of the GJW and it will probably will rise even more when the Obelisk Order events are out. But about the GJW more informations later. I still don´t have all evaluation sheets from every member, so please see to it and sent me them. Furthermore I want to say that m happy about the high participation level in Obelisk weekly competitions. Cestus has most often the highest member count in there.


As I stated above the Great Jedi War seems finally upon us. The first event released was a DB-wide run-on that was shortly after closed again due to posting problems and cracked up into Clan-based Run-ons. Our new Run-on can be found on the Tridens MB:


We have started there two boards concering the Run-on:

  1. The so called Plot Note Board. There you can read an post plot ideas of other members and yourself. If you have an idea post it there and wait a little for responses, if no one disagrees you can post it on the Run-on.

  2. The Run-on Board itself named GJW Run-on again. You can post there and participate in there as much as you want, I encourage all of you to do it.The only thing I ask you is first refer to the Plot note board before you post so there won´t occur any plot cracks like in the old DB-wide Run-on.

It´s an open event so everyone regardless of house can participate I suggest we Cestides show the others that we can not only swing a lightsaber but as well the pen and help Tarentum to win that event.

Judging of the news on DB.org the other events will be released soon among them surely the Obelisk Order events. Stay tuned for more infos.


The roster stands at 26 that´s up by two compared to last week. A huge welcome to NOV Gistenjunge and NOV Obi-Wan Eden who have both joined us this week right from the Shadow Academy. Nice to have you in Cestus, I hope you enjoy your stay :-)

The roster now looks like this:

OBL Michael Halcyon

OBM Ziguarath

OW Gelton Torr - QUA

DJK Darkov

DJK Glorfindel

DJK Sukuth - Battleteam SGT Blades of Malice / Trial Master

DJK Talon Zetar - AED

JH Zekk - Rolemaster

GRD Eoth Kun - Battleteam SGT Battalion of Fear

GRD Hev Randrowan

GRD Obscurus - Battleteam SGT Armoured Fist

PRT Ereinion Qel Droma

PRT Lorn Blahde

PRT RageMaki

PRT Reb Crush

PRT X-Pilot

ACO Marcus Gladius Octavianus

ACO Sen Hart

ACO Son Goku

ACO Tygarin Cypher

NOV Bane

NOV Darchtra

NOV Death MD

NOV Gistenjunge

NOV Obi-Wan Eden

NOV Yukito


A little bit of rank shuffling happened last week. First GRD Eoth Kun stepped down as SGT of BoF and is now a TRP of BoF again. After some deliberation Zetar and me decided to appoint former RM JH Zekk as the new SGT. Therefore we now needed a new RM and chose PRT RebCrush who already was A:RM and made a very good job there. Congratulations for your promotions to both of you :-)


None this week but there will be some if there is participation in the GJW events .


OW Gelton Torr



DJK Talon Zetar


A lot of participation in comps but no CFs this week

That concludes my report.

                                                                            In Deep Respect   


                                                                                Gelton Torr  

(§§§§§§ {[]}§)(((::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-

OW Gelton Torr (0belisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: CRU-G]


"Shadow is my Armor, Darkness is my Shield, Fear is my Sword"


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