Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

If you read nothing else:

Congrats and THANKS to the flyers even if it turns out we don't win RR3.

Fly and post for the GJW!

BD last week: Sad. BD this week: Happy. Rein every week: Drunk. It's

nice to have some stability in the squad.


SBL Donitz joins Ghostrider

Old crusty Tau Donitz (from almost as far back in the day as me) has joined

us for the GJW. He has a LOT to teach us about how to murder our MP opponents.

DA Reinthaler granted Star of Eos

Reason given for request:

Reinthaler has simply been a flying machine since joining Galthain Over

the last couple of weeks he has flown over 50 (!) SP battles, submitted

the very top scores for every competition we've had, and helped along

those of lesser skill with their MP and SP flying. He is a model Sith,

and I'm recommending him for the Star of Eos. - Big Daddy [[[Rubber

stamped 30,000 times by SBL Pyralis]]]

Round Robin Ends

Everyone except Verr submitted a score for the RR3, and Rein and Mell got

fantastic scores. Lump and Sloth, don't be surprised if your scores are

what inch us over the top, especially if you assume Delphain stayed around

18 points like last week. You guys have no idea how happy that makes

me. Even if one of the other squads ended up doing better, I'm still very

proud of our results.

Mell smacked his mission around = 8 points

Rein got about 95% = 6 points

I got about 50% = 3 points

Lump got about 30% = 2 points

Sloth got about 16% = 1 point

Total 20 points.

GJW in Full Swing.

This is literally the biggest event the DB has every year. Every house in

every clan is fighting for their clan's supremacy. Read more about the

comp in the orders section.

Clan Satal Keto Gets Its Own Message Board.

Hey, it's blue! Excellent. Check it out here.


PRIORITY 1: GJW SP Competition Due in about 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this yet, but I know we're

getting the missions this weekend. There's going to be one free mission

per platform, and we're being scored by CLAN. Looks like I'll be doing

some DDD and Delphain motivational seminars too.

PRIORITY 2: GJW Runon (finishes feb 17th but don't wait til the last minute).

We have a runon I'm going to write something for over the weekend, because

in the plotline, the Sith squads have been LEFT FOR DEAD. That's

right. Pyralis, Hunter, and our lovely clan summits have abandoned us in

their hyperspaceable cap ships and gone to Eos for a nice peaceful

vacation. Thanks guys!

Darkhawk and I are going to start writing us out of this mess. I'd really

appreciate if you guys can join in on the new CSK messageboard.

PRIORITY 3: Recruiting

Donitz filled one of the VIP slots I was saving, so that didn't really help

the recruiting drive any. Another VIP I've been talking to lately has a

spot saved for him as well though, so we still have 2 reserved spots. I'm

also trying to work somebody over into coming into this squad instead of

another as a NOV. We'll see how that works. We're up to 7, and Verr has

some prospects as well. Mell, do you have anybody you know? We only need

3 more for me to consider the squad full.

PRIORITY 4: General Squad Stuff

We'll do this eventually. Flying's/Writing is more important. I'd rather

make a name for ourselves in the GJW than with a snazzy webpage.


JH Big Daddy

Won 2nd place DB Trivia

Flew XWA FREE 76 for RR3

Coded a lot more of the XWA-DB battle. Sorry, I'm being picky about it and

it's taking a while.

DA Reinthaler

Awarded Star of Eos for outrageous amounts of SP Flying

Flew TIE: IW16, IW20, IW21, IW23, IW24, IW25, IW26, IW33, IW34, BHG1, BHG2,

ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4, TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4, TC5, TC6, TC7, TC8, TC9, TC10,

TC11, TC12, TC13, TC14, TC15, TC16, TC17, TC18, TC19, TC20

Made Sith High Warrior website. (Christ Rein, that took a long time to type


ACO Sloth

Flew XWA FREE 35 for RR3 (Thank you!)

ACO Lump

Flew XWA FREE 4 for RR3 (Great job!)

SW Mell Kerrigan

Killed TIE FREE 178 for RR3 (You're my hero!)

PRT Xura Verr

Representing the whole EH in a Battlestats tourney with Bruc (Good luck!)

SBL Donitz

Joined Ghostrider

Working on the GJW Runon, but I think he may be at some other part of the

story (not flying? on eos somewhere? I'm not too sure) .


Sith Squadron Ghostrider of House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto

CMDR Jedi Hunter Big Daddy ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

FM Dark Adept Reinthaler ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

FM Acolyte Sloth([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

FM Acolyte Lump([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

FL-XO Sith Warrior Mell Kerrigan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

FM Protector Xura Verr ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

FM Sith Battlelord Donitz ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Battle Team Roster: 7 legit actives. Let's grow just a little more and

things will be perfect.

Submitted in Darkness,

JH Big Daddy (Sith)/Ghostrider CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto

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