Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Archanis GJW and weekly report for February 9th 2003.


Welcome to the 2nd GJW report. A lot of things this week.

1- SHADOWMORPH BATTLETEAM IS RE-OPENING: We have all the roster full and I have asked the permission to DJM for re-open the old battleteam. So I want to know if there is anyone intrested to occupy the CMDR spot and if there is anyone intrested to join the new battleteam. Please send me a private e-mail with your application: you must be at least GRD and you must presant a little project with your intentions about the battleteam.

Rebuilding a battleteam is an hard thing but it will be full of satisfactions.

2- GREAT JEDI WAR RUN ON. http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=4386 this is the url of the run-on. We are posting a lot on there. So give your contribute to the cause.Well, all the people who can write something about the artifacts stuff on it , please contact Coranel Both [Log in to view e-mail addresses] he is coordinating the house sith for the run on reserch. If you want further infos please contact him.

3- GREAT JEDI WAR STATUS: the war is proceeding as well. Actually we are informed about the next event: it's for Sith and it will be a SP. So prepare yourself brave siths.

4- NEW HYPERION FLIGHT SITH COMMANDER: everybody congratulate with JH Drak for his new position.

You can view this also at:

Joins/ Departs.

Everybody welcome:

SBM Sithspawn in CV

SW Boromir in CV

DJK Etras Anglen in HF

As you can see the rosters are filled of your ugly faces (except for Lady Shadowhawk), now I want volunteers for Shadowmorph.

Competition corner.



XvTTC# 21


QUA Escort results of the last month are these:

CV wins the month of January with 2921 points

Azazel is the Sith champion, congratz.

2nd: Sabbath 1090

3rd: Drak 1020

Medals will be delayed. Don't worry anyway: you will get them.

Personal activity.

I'm posting a lot on the run on despite my bad grammar.

Limited presence on mIrc.

Dealing about House stuffs everyday.

Important sites.

Archanis site: http://www.minos.net/~archanis/

Messageboard: http://mb.ehnet.org/mb.php?action=topics&forum_id=13&days=7

DB site : http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org

TALDRYAN site : http://www.minos.net/~taldryan/

Taldryan MB : http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=15

SW Rexal Qel (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan



FL-FCA/CPT Rexal Qel/Spectre 2-1/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

PCx3/ISMx2/LoC-PSx47/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [CNTR] {IWATS-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3}

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