Clan Arcona Weekly Report
Light is Limited - Darkness is Infinite
Alarm sounds fills the corridors. Quickly the corridors of the Arcona HQ are swarming with Dark Jedi and other staff. "Battle stations, battle stations, this is not a drill!" The mechanical voice keeps repeating itself. "Shut off than damned alarm Khobai, anyone who didnt see or hear that must be dead." Khobai pressed a few buttons and the alarm stopped. Tarkin picked up the microphone and his voice now filled the corridors. All the Dark Jedi stopped to listen. "Proud Clansmen of Arcona, time is in short supply so I will keep this as briefly as possible. The whole Dark Brotherhood is now under attack by an unknown foe. The Dark Council has asked for our help. Eos is almost overwhelmed. Where others have failed, we will prevail. Where other have fallen, we will stand tall. Where others have been defeated, we will be victorious! Report to your Battle Teams CMDR's, they will have your orders. Tarkin out." Tarkin put the microphone down and turned to Khobai. "Here", Tarkin said as he handed over 3 datapads to Khobai, "Make sure the QUA's get these orders ASAP and then come back. We have to discuss where the opportunities lie for Arcona to increase her power." Khobai nodded and walked out of the room to deliver the datapads to the QUA's.
FM/COL E. Tarkin/Scorpion 2-4/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF
GSx3/SS/BSx4/PCx9/ISMx21/MoT-3rh-2gh/IS-2BW-1GW/LoC-RSx2-CSx8-Rx2/DFC-GW-Rx2/CoS/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [GLDR] [JEDI-4th] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2/3-XAM-XTM/1-XTT}
Ex-Wing Commander of Wing XV
Ex-CMDR of Avenger Squadron
SWL E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, GC/(SC-SoA)/(SE)/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNG)(BNB)/Cr-2R/CF/CoL {SA: CORE-G:LS-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}
Consul of Arcona
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