Krath High Priestess Report


Krath High Priestess Report

Enjoy your Valentines evening and your long weekend, if you are in the US and have Monday off for President's Day. If not, erm, sorry. :)


Work on the GJW, open part is almost over, Krath parts to end not to long after that. The more a Clan submits, the better. Gratz again to the winners of the KMT's and Kill the KHP comps. KCC news, so skip down to the bottom to see!




4) Incase you didn't get the hint, GET TO THE GJW PAGE! Time is almost up on the Run-On. You got until the 17th of this month. The other events will end not too long after that. Pay attention to the rules, follow them, and submit.

5) Remember, the more submissions your Clan has, the more points you will get! And, the higher the chance you will gain extra points from a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd placement.

6) If you have ANY questions, comments, or whatever, feel free to email me DIRECTLY. I'll help in any way I can.


8) Once again, gratz to the winners of the January KMT's and the Kill the KHP competition. Results have been posted earlier in the week.

KCC News

1) With the resignation of former Combat Master Timeros, Xizor has been promoted as his replacement. Xizor has worked faithfully and consistantly on the KCC staff and is one of the major reasons why this wonderful division of the DB continues to run as smooth as silk. Gratz brotha. :)

2) News from the new Combat Master, himself...

Greetings Dark Brethren,

In light of my recent promotion to Combat Master, I am writing this to inform you that I am in need of judging staff for the KCC. I am aware of the fact that it hadn't been very long since the former CM, Timeros, requested for judge applications. However, the current staff is either inactive, or too busy, so I'm in need of people who are willing to spend much time for the KCC. Now, requirements are: a very active member, a considerably good writer, inventive, fair with his/her decisions, good at sucking up (nah, kidding, though it would be nice :P) etc, etc...

You either contact me by mail or in MSN at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], in AIM as Underlord Xizor, ICQ number is 179701795 and mIRC nickname is Xizor. In your email, state a small DB bio, past leadership positions, what you are willing to offer to the KCC, other things you feel are worth mentioning.

I will be expecting your emails and I will make my decision in two weeks' time, or sooner.

Combat Master Xizor

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