Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Unnamed Brigade SGT's Report #1

DB info

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp (I'm lazy, i know.)

Clan info

Here is the Jedi of the Month! To become Jedi of the Month, a member must be active, have a good (dark jedi) attitude, and shown himself to be an important member of his/her house and clan. So here they are... drumroll please....

Consular Advisor: Jedi Hunter Arcturus Xyler

Consular Pilot: Sith Warrior Dolza

Consular Bodyguard: Protector Ravill Pryde

House info

CSP's specialty in Clan-specific Force powers has been announced: Animal Empathy/Control. Some of you might not be old enough to remember this cartoon, but those who are- think DinoRiders. That's the stuff.

OBL J`Rai, the new House Primus Goluud Quaestor, has accepted my challenge for a 3-way House feud. I will also invite OBM Khan, the House Auctoritas Quaestor, to be part of the feud. It will not take place until after the Great Jedi War, and it promises to be a very fun activity.

Battleteam info

Hello everyone while I'm adjusting to the new role The Great Jedi War is going on and I want everyone to participate. The site is at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.htm. Just go there download the missions follow the directions and send it in. After the war is over I will put a contest together and we can name our unit, shinny medals will be involved!!. Just a couple of small things. First, Asherz I noticed you don't have a history, start writing and maybe we can get a promotion started for you. Second, I noticed also that no one has the Obelisk Core exam. To me that was the easiest exam, so lets try to get that done too guys.


PRT Ravill Pryde

DJK Ninj

ACO Asherz

ACO Quan Chi

Consular Bodyguard PRT Ravill Pryde (Obelisk)/SGT/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae/Cr-1S {SA: G:LS-K:CORE-O:CORE}

ASST/Adian Pryde/Omega/BHG -H (SCB) {CORE}

"Life makes some deadly mistakes every once and awhile. I'm one of them!".

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