Obelisk High Commander Report


Obelisk High Commander Report



A sad week in the Obelisk Officer. CoG Shadow stepped down from position. He put a lot of work into the position, His efforts will be missed.

The GJW Obelisk Phase 1 has been released. I'm already recieving submissions. Good luck to all off you :)


The Competitions have been changed. Each session will now support JK/JK2/XvT/XWA. I expect another few minor changes to this.

The current competitions are:-

Monday 3:00pm EST - Obelisk Arena

Wednesday 6:00pm EST - Obelisk Vengeance

Friday 7:00am EST - Obelisk Madness

Friday 7:00pm EST - Obelisk Crusades

Saturday 2:00pm EST - OHC's Rampage

Saturday 3:00pm EST - OHC's Cup

Sunday 7:00pm EST - DB Fight Club


Slowly but surely the Tome of the Obelisk is taking shape.

-House Possessions-

I'm holding off the House Possessions till after the GJW. Why? I think there's enough for people to do than listen to me babble about Artifacts for hours :)

Thats all for this.

Good luck in the GJW and take care.


Battlemaster Exar Khaland

Obelisk High Commander

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