House Kirleta Report
Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr
Greetings Kirletians....
Another somewhat quiet week round the house. Good to see that some of you responded to the call to arms and posted for the GJW Run-on. Shame on those of who have not lifted a single finger to take part!!
BUT......i have a suprise for you people......there will be an AWOL check in effect on the recieving of this report. You all have until Thursday to report to me and tell me what your up to. Failure to do so means Rogues for those who fail to fullfil the simple task ever......writing a email. Replies must be sent to me, and me only. I will post in the next report who is staying, and who is to cast down out of the House in shame.
So get your replies into me asap following this report.
House & Clan News.
For all the latest news and spews, please visit :
For all up to date clan news please visit :
Make it count folks!!
New Qua for Aleema appointed! - Congrats to Kaiann who is now the Qua of Aleema with Qua Page's decision to step down due to real life obligations. All the best in your new position Kai, and again congratz!
Obelisk Events soon to come! - Now this is MY CALL TO ARMS for all Kirleta members. When the Obelisk events start i want a good centre of Elite fighters to take part. Here as promised (sorry i forgot last week) is my choice for these comps :-
OWL Rizlib
DJK Reza (you need a promotion)
DJH Markr (you need a promotion)
OBM Gryffon De'Urtha
OBM Waza Sunrider
DJK Ari (soon i hope)
OW Arso Slyth
PRT BazookaKid
PRT Exodius (get stuck in and i shall promoye thee!)
Now this is my choice for the JO MP Battleteam. For 2 vs 2 events (i beleive there are some planned), pick someone with whome you trust to do the job with you and work as hard as you will. Be sure to stick together though, if one needs health or shields, then the other follows him/her to give support incase of attack.
"An army that holds a line like a wall of iron shall never break nor falter"
House activity....
Soon....infact for some sooner than you think!
None this week :(
None because you should have all done these!
PRT Jari - House Kirleta to Rogues
OBM Gryffon has changed his name to - OBM Gryffon De'Urtha
Guey is now his nickname ;))
AED Report
1) After much time passing The Weekly AED report is back
2) The Great Jedi War has started if you missed all the hype given out on it so far it has begun & the Obbie phase 1 has been posted if you dont have it already go here. There are jk1 and jk2 single player missions to play make sure you dl the read me file its seperate form the level .zip instruction for how to submitt it are in teh read me. The threat of being HCI'd for peeps useing the cheats.
3) Not seen much in activity latley from everyone lets get moving to win the GJW & spank every body we are Kirleta & we Rock!!!!!
I guess that it for this week Az will prolly have more detailed info in his report so go DL the sp level of your choice & get kicking!
OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto, GC/(SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BN)/(CFx3)/CoL
"One shall stand ,,,,,, one shall fall"
(Touched up by OBL Azazel)
Final Thoughts...........
Well the Order specific events are coming very soon. This is what we have been waiting for!!! Our chance as the DB #2 clan, and our standing as the DB's #2 Obelisk House. Well as i said long ago, I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THE #2 TAG!! I WANT THE #1 SPOT!!
I have also noticed a very nasty trand with some of you. Your excuses and misfortunes seem to be coincidental....too many for the average unlucky person to me. Therefore....i have decided to offer those of you who do this a choice. If you fail to report to me after the AWOL check for as much as one week......your gone. If you cannot be botherd to help the House out, or the clan, then i do not want you in my House. I will not waste my breath, nor my time in helping anyone within this House who does not wish to return the favour by helping the House out at all. I have sat in this position for over a year now (well over), i have extended my hand of friendship, tried to spur you all on to do something to benefit yourselves and at the sametime, yourselves. I have set up 2 trainers to help you with playing JO, and yet nobody wants to train. I am submitting the comp that i worked on with DJK Reza to the DGM this week after i touch it up a bit. I EXPECT people to take part once i have set it up.
Like i said to you before.........i am firm but fair, don't make me choose your fate wintin this House.
DJK Reza - Where are you?? Can you send me an e-mail asap please as i need to discuss something with you.
Ok people, thats enough for this week. You know what you have to do now, and i have layed out some instructions about the AWOL Check now in effect. Now is the time to show your worth as Obelisk Troopers, in the next month we will be forced to proove the we deserve to be the #1 Obelisk House, and CSK the #1 clan!!
Do not fail the Clan
Fail not the CON
Fail not the House
Fail me not
Go forth and destroy all those in your path!
Respectfully Submitted
ENV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility.
SSx4/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/IS-1BR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Sith Infiltrator -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )
OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,
GG/MG Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg.(MoS-w/SR)(MoSc-2)(MoPx5) {CDGI-Core-PC-PL-FR}
"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est."
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