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<font color="#ff0000">INTRODUCTION</font>
Greetings my Sith,
I'm sorry if this report comes a little late but I had a very busy week end and managed to complete all my duties only today, so here I am.
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Today is the ending date for open events (Run-On and Gfx), our House did very well and the most part of posts came from Caliburnus (wonders were all the sissy Krath are). Special thanks to SW Jaron Kai, SW Dolza and SBM Kane Reese for their kick-assing submissions.
The Sith event is also on and I'm expecting a very good performance from my Sith. We ruled the last Feud competition and brought CSP to victory with our superb flying, let's do the same with the Great Jedi War!
<font color="#ff0000">DB AND ORDER NEWS</font>
Dark Brotherhood News - [http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp)
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Sith Order News - [http://members.aol.com/hades55624/office/](http://members.aol.com/hades55624/office/)</font>
<font color="#ff0000">HOUSE STATUS</font>
Two New Members**_
It's a
pleasure for me to welcome two skilled warriors that recently joined our House: DJK Terek Kesh and SBM Abel Malik. Terek returned to Nightshade squadron while Abel Malik has joined Nightmare. I'm sure you'll have a good stay in Caliburnus!
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House Training Updates**_
Aeishline has submitted new guidelines for the House Training Program, be sure to read carefully the RollMistress report. IF you have questions feel free to contact Aeishline at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
<font size="-1">SW Jaron Kai, JH Ace Hobbes and GRD Zexiphir Van
Taelyian have received a Dark Cross medal for completing 3 House courses with a score of 95% or better, congratulations! This should be taken as an example to all other members of Caliburnus: pass 3 House courses, get good scores (95% or better) and you will receive a Dark Cross.</font>
_**SA Courses
**_<font size="-1">Congratulations to GRD Penfold that completed ISET, ESET and Sith Core courses! Now you just have to create a realistic battleplan to be elegible for promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter.</font>
<font color="#ff0000">COMPETITIONS</font>
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The Great Jedi War
<div align="left">*Open Events - *_ Deadline is TODAY!_
Run-On: The CSP run on can be found at: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=4372
Design a banner or graphic which takes in some aspect of the plot so
far. Submissions
in .gif or .jpg format, zipped; send to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
<font size="-1">_**Sith Events - Phase 1**_
Download and fly the three missions at http://members.aol.com/hades55624/gjw.htm . Send your entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] CCing your BT CMDR</font>
<font size="-1">- Caliburnus Intelligence
(you will receive details in separate communication)</font>
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<font size="-1">Participate to GJW events</font>
<font size="-1">Take IWATS and SA courses</font>
<font size="-1">Recruit new members </font>
<font size="-1">Be communicative, stay in contact with other members of the House and have fun!</font>
<font color="#ff0000" size="-1">HOUSE SUMMIT ACTIVITIES</font>
Quaestor - SBM Gidda **
Completed TIE-TC 102, 107, 110
Submitted 3 Gfx for GJW
Particiopated to the GJW Run-On
MB and IRC activity
**Aedile - SBM Kane Reese
**Completed TIE-TC 172, 173
the GJW XvT and XWA missions
Submitted Gfx for GJW
Participated to the GJW Run-On
Submitted AED report
IRC and MB activity
** RollMistress - SW
Completed TIE-TC 3, 194
Participated to the GJW Run-On
Took care of all the House training program (excellent work)
Submitted RM report
IRC and MB activity
<div align="center">** <font color="#ff3333">SBM Gidda (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae</font>**
** GC/(SC-SoP)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-3T-8E-4S-7A-1R-2D/CF/DSS/MoT-1RH/CoL**
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