Battleteam Nightstalker Squadron
Report #4
For the week ending Thursday February 13th, 2003
Commander: GRD Pokemaster
Happy for once, Guardian Pokemaster walked into the Nightstalker ready room. "Greetings my fellow pilots!" "It has been quite a good week, not only have most of us been productive, but SW Aeishline Strathaven has rejoined us after training on Carrida as well!" Poke smiled slightly as he looked toward his Mistress, then quickly looked back at his datapad, his face blushing slightly. "We are still embroiled in the Great Jedi War! We shall annihilate our foes!"
- The Sith Events for the Great Jedi War have been released!
- None
- None
-GRD Zexiphir Van Taelyan: Completed Sith History
- GRD Pokemaster: IRC Activity, MB Activity
- SW Dae Cam: No Activity
- SBM Tiger: IRC Activity, flew XWAFREE 89
- JH Screedious: Flew XvTDB5, XvTFREE 1, 23, 41, 42, 44, 6, 74, 95, 105, 57, 63, XvTFCHG 3, XWACAB 1, 3, 4 XvTIW 10, 12, 17, XvTTC 21, 28, 33, XWADB 1, XWAFREE 13, 15, 16, 17, 32, 39, 40, 43, 44, 50, 51, 67, 68, 69, 70, 17, 88, 89, XWAFCHG 3, XWATC 10, 11, 13, 15, 22, 29, 30
- ACO Zekk Thyne: No Activity
- PRT Starpred: No Activity
- SW Aeishline Strathaven: Returned from Leave, Email Contact, submitted Mission Plotline, TIETC-194, IRC Activity
- GRD Zexiphir Van Taelyan: IRC Activity, Flew TIETC 38, 40, 36, 41, 45, 44, 47, 48, 42, 50, 51, 52, 49, 57, 55, 58, 46, Completed Sith History
- PRT Mithrandir: No activity
-Fly for the Great Jedi War! Post on the Runon!
Respectfully submitted;
GRD Pokemaster (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
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