Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings brothers and sisters

Great Jedi War action goes on and it is again time for a report. The contents:

  • Activity

  • Competitions

  • Promotions and Medals

  • General news

  • Roster

  • Kudos of the week


The Great Jedi Wars is going on and going on. Phase 1 will end on th 23th February so you still have a few days for last minute entries :) The runon ended already and I think it went quite okay concerning participation.Dont forget to cc the Clan and House summit and me on your entries.


Great Jedi Wars

Soon the phase one will be over and everyone is awaiting phase two already. Noidea what there will be in phase two if it is KCC battles, descriptions, other stories we just have to wait and see what is to come.

GJW runon:

Finally ended. I am very satisfied with the participation level of our Battleteam. The following participated: Demerzel (leader and inventor of the guerrlia warfare idea), Desann (participator in the task force), Siterath (infiltrated a pirate base), Rage Akaido (infiltrating the pirate base) and one post from Aari which I am not sure if it still counted.

Phase 1 Krath Events

Get some last minute entries in like Poem or Graphic submissions or the ritual description can be done quite fast.

Poetry: Write an ode or poem to honour those who lost their lives during the defence of the Brotherhood so far. You can either do this from the perspective of a Clan member honouring their own dead, or from the point of view of one attempting to build and maintain an alliance between the Clans, thus aiming at conciliation through their words.

Lenght: 30 lines minimum

Format: doc, txt, rtf

Dont forget IDline!

Story: Document the withdrawal from Lyarna and Coronada and the subsequent forging of the Alliance of Seven.

Lenght: 1 page minimum, 12pt Times New Roman

Format: doc, txt, rtf

Ritual Design: Owing to the level of distrust amongst the Clans, the Alliance of Seven is to be bound with a ritual of solidarity. Design the Ritual.

Format: doc, .txt or .rtf format only


Open Events

Graphics : Design a banner or graphic which takes in some aspect of the plot so far

Submissions in .gif or .jpg format, zipped; send to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Promotions - Medals & Courses


General News

Dark Voice

Korbane sets up some new or extended submission guidlines please stick to them :)

  1. Make sure to include your DB ID line AND DB Pin number in the E-mail when submitting to the dark voice. This helps with the medal awarding

  2. The submission MUST be Dark Jedi/Force related. DO NOT just send a TIE fighter picture.

  3. Name the submission in all lowercase letter and no spaces or symbols. Example: My_Tie_Banner change to mytiebanner.

  4. When you wish to contribute anything to the Dark Voice send all items to KAP Korbane Ashoka at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Be sure to put the Subject as ‘Dark Voice Submission’

Tarentum Newsletter

Keep all your GJW submissions they might be good stuff to send to the DV and the Tarentum newsletter :)

Shadow Academy projects

As the Krath section of the Combat Academy was less than functional, I have closed it down. Rising in its place is the even-better College of Lore. This little institution will thrill all those Krath who complain incessantly about the level of writing across the Brotherhood. The College will be divided into Sections named for writing styles - Prose, Poetry, Run-On's, Combat Run-On's (a la KCC), and Factual Writing (reports, articles, etc.). Each Section will be headed by a Dean, who will be assisted by 1-2 Sages. That's a grand total of up-to 15 people, all working hard to review any literature sent to them, and reply to the author with a list of improvements - most of which will be based around spelling, grammar, vocabulary, use of descriptive language, maintaining a theme, flow, use of literary devices, realism, and anything else the lovely people can come up with.

Applications for the College starting Friday!!

Activity Reports

Submission date is still WEDNESDAY for the activity reports. I again want to mention how important activity reports are for you since if I dont know what you do I cant recommend you for a promo/trials or a medal. Think about it.


DJK Rage Akaido - TET

GRD Siterath Goersase

GRD Demerzel

KAP Aari Nikus

DJK Jason Hunter

ACO Valpugius

ACO Desann

Special kudos and thanks

This week I'd like to thank the runon people especially Dem, hades, Gelton, MD for their runon plotlines, Telona and Ciara for their compyling of the runon´. Desan and Siterath for their runon posts.

I also want to give big kudos to Demerzel, Siterath and Desann for their many GJW submissions! :) You are great guys!!!! :P Kick ass!

Have Fun

TET Rage Akaido

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