Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>


Phase One is coming to an end. So far I have submissions from Silverwulf, Lost, Uther, and myself. That leaves Ksian, Saber, and Karrde who have not yet submitted anything. CNS and HLK needs your help. There are three Free Missions to choose from, take the time and fly one of them. You have two days left!!

**_"I'm going to be removing everyone who fails to participate in the GJW, and that is final."

-Consul Goatham _**

Orders of the clan, if you don't participate you will have to answer to the Consul. Don't let this happen,
P A R T I C I P A T E !!!!!!

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • Great Jedi War

  • Great Jedi War Battle Plan

  • FEB Sapphire Training Run

  • HLK Monthly Flying Competition

  • Awards and Promotions

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>S..T..U..F..F</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Great Jedi War


All entries are DUE in by 11.59pm EST on 23rd February 2003.

Sith entries should be sent to

SHW Hades; [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DGM Mairin; [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

CMDR Bob; [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


All entries are DUE in by 11.59pm EST on 23rd February 2003.

Design a banner or graphic which takes in some aspect of the plot so far.

Submissions in .gif or .jpg format, zipped; send to

DGM Mairin; [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

CMDR Bob; [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

#002 - Great Jedi War Battle Plan

You have all read Carl Lost's battleplan (at least you better have), since I have had no feedback (good or bad) I am going to make the decision to go with it.

I will be writing some fiction that involves the battle and will be placing Sapphire squadron in the middle of it all. Anyone who would like to contribute to the story is HIGHLY encouraged.

I will be placing it all on a webpage, so graphics are needed. A banner to top the page, maybe with a clever name for the operation. Plus some nice pics of the battle would be nice too. As I have absolutely no graphics ability at all, I will need the assistance from Sapphire's graphics experts.

We have some time to work this all out as this is actually part of Phase 2.

So any questions or comments regarding this, I want to hear them.

#003 - FEB Sapphire Training Run

Another month, three more free missions.

Start Date: 2003-2-1

End Date: 2003-2-28

Awards: 1st place - Crescent w/Emerald Star

2nd place - Crescent w/Topaz Star

3rd place - Crescent w/Quartz Star

*in each game platform


TIE FREE #105 - Blowing Crap Up

XvT FREE #11 - The Test of Skill

XWA FREE #65 - Combat Patrol

Send your pilot files to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by February 28th.

#004 - HLK Monthly Flying Competition

Remember, by submitting to this you are not only giving yourself a chance for a medal, but more importantly helping out the squadron.

The two active Squadron of the House, Diamond and Sapphire, are to compete over the period of a month. The objective of the comp is to acumulate the larger amount of flown missions by the pilots of each squad. Pilots shall be awarded individually with the proper Crescents regardless of squad or position. The winning squad will be the one with the most missions acumulated by its pilots on the month. The winning squad shall be awarded a total of 10 Industrial Points per month victory.

All missions/battles available on TC Battle Center

Individual scoring:

Crescent w/Sapphire Star (Cr-1A) for 1st place

Crescent w/Emerald Star (Cr-1E) for 2nd place

Crescent w/Topaz Star (Cr-1T) for 3rd place

Squadron overall scoring: 10 Industrial Points (as permitted by the SHW)

All pilot files should be sent to QUA Scithe and CC me.

#005 - Awards and Promotions

Lets Start with Medals:

Legion of Scholar - SW Janos Silverwulf

And now Promotions:

PROTECTOR Ksian Qui-Soran

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>STANDING ORDERS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Great Jedi War Stuff

#002 - Sapphire Training Run

#003 - HLK Monthly Flying Competition

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>THE USUAL SUPSECTS</td> </tr> </table>



FM/GRD Talon Karrde/Sapphire 1-2

IRC Activity.

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-3

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-4

FL/SW Carl Lost/Sapphire 2-1

Email Activity.

FM/PRT Uther/Sapphire 2-2

Email Activity.

Completed XWA Free #43.

Completed XvT Free #57.

Submitted for TIE phase of GJW.

Submitted for XWA phase of GJW.

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-3

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-4

FL/SW Janos Silverwulf/Sapphire 3-1

IRC Activity.

FM/PRT Ksian Qui-Soran/Sapphire 3-2

Posted on Clan MB.

FM/PRT Saber/Sapphire 3-3

On Leave.

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 3-4

Squadron Mascot/Fred the Seal

Black Ops mission.

_NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P

Also, if you don't tell me about it I can't report it._

That is all!

SBM Bob(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

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