Delphian Squadron Report #1 - 02/21/2003
Welcome to my first report as Commanding Officer, Delphian Squadron. Though I've only been in command a few days, I'm happy to report that I've spoken to just about everyone. I'm really looking forward to my Tour of Duty as your commanding officer, and I hope that I can make this a fun experience for all of us. This is a very critical time for the squad. The Great Jedi War is the pinnacle event for the Brotherhood, and it's imperative that we put forth every effort to succeed. With that in mind, on to the report.
Squadron News:
-Delphian Squadron has a new commanding officer: JH Cray Mikalen.
-We have a new squadron website: I encourage everyone to check it out and give me your opinions. I'm always looking for ideas to make it better.
-We also have a new squadron message board: I ask that everyone visit the message board and post! I will post regular news and updates on the message board so be sure to check out the announcements section too!
Current Events and Orders:
-Participate in the Great Jedi War! This has absolute priority! The deadline for all Phase 1 categories is Sunday, February 23rd. TWO DAYS!!! There are two categories that we can particpate in: Sith and graphics.
Sith: There are 3 missions to fly for the sith order, 1 for each platform. I want everyone to get these missions flown and submitted ASAP! They aren't overly challenging, and don't take up too much time either. You can download the missions from the GJW site: You will also find instructions for submitting your pilot files. When you email your plt files, remember to CC our house summits and myself so we know you did it! :) If you have any questions about the sith events, just email me and I'll be glad to help you out.
Graphics: This category is simple. Just create a banner or graphic that deals with the main plot of the GJW. The primary objective here is participation, so even if you have absolutely horrendous graphics skills, submit one anyway! I sent my monstrosity yesterday. :) We need as many to submit as possible. You can find detailed information on the plot, as well as submission instructions, at the GJW website:
-Starting Sunday, February 23rd, we will be having a squadron banner competition. The purpose of this comp will be to create graphics for the squadron website and message board, as well as the pilot library. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place (if applicable) so everyone should make an effort to contribute! Further details will be released on Sunday when the competition begins!
-Remember the 1st Squadron Standing Order: HAVE FUN!!! Any pilots failing to comply with this order will be spooned to death.
Weekly Activity Report:
-CMDR/JH Cray Mikalen:
Assigned Command of Delphian
CMDR Duties
Flew Raider 1 & 3 for the GJW
Submitted for the GJW Runon
Created Squadron Website
Created Message Board
Created Graphic for the GJW
FM/JH TK-2107:
Reported In
Submitted 3 graphics for the GJW
Flew Raider 1, 2, & 3 for the GJW
FM/SW Blade Kilraven:
Reported In
FM/SBL Ricardo:
Reported In
Flew Raider 1 for the GJW
Participated in the GJW Runon
FL/PRT Luke Morin:
Reported In
Submitted for the GJW Runon
FM/GRD Rebelkiller:
No contact
Squadron Roster:
Battleteam Delphian Squadron of Galthain:
House: Galthain
Motto: Strike with darkness; Battle with honor
Message Board:
Order: Sith
Commander: Jedi Hunter Cray Mikalen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battleteam Roster: 6 Members
1-1: CMDR/JH Cray Mikalen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Profile: 493
1-2: FM/JH TK-2107 ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Profile: 2027
1-3: FM/SW Blade Kilraven ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Profile: 462
1-4: FM/SBL Ricardo ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Profile: 172
3-1: FL/PRT Luke Morin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Profile: 2735
3-3: FM/GRD Rebelkiller ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Profile: 2098
This concludes my report for this week. Again, I ask that everyone take the upmost effort to participate in the Great Jedi War. This is the culmination of everything we work toward, and I doubt many of you joined the DB to sit around and swap emails. :) It's time to be active and show the house, the clan, and the entire brotherhood that we're here to have fun and kick ass.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jedi Hunter Cray Mikalen
Commanding Officer, Delphain Squadron, Galthain of Satal Keto
FL/MAJ Cray Mikalen/Ranger 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal [CNTR]
GUN "Bun-Bun III"
TC Pin: 3243
JH Cray Mikalen (Sith)/CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto
DB Pin: 493</salute>
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