Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Khan is still out, I haven't heard from him about 2 weeks. So, I'm doing the house report again. Here goes...


Go read the DB news page like a normal person if you want DB news! :P

The Clan Ladder is officially over. Awards were handed out Thursday. Congrats to Tatsu and myself who attained first place in Jedi Knight/Jedi Outcast, respectively I was also named Obelisk Guard of the Consul.

I'm going to tell you once and for all to go do your stuff for the GJW. However, IF YOU FIGURE OUT HOW TO TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF THE SCORE PAGE OF OUTCAST TELL ME!!! The deadline is Tuesday and I have to figure this one out as well.

We had 3 entries to the screenshot competition this week, so we actually awarded a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! Congrats to Kuro, Tatsu, and Sirik, respectively!


Battlemaster Khan - On indefinite leave due to PC problems.

Battlemaster Ryell Zoith - Awarded an SE for his assistance to me.

Warrior Jacen Aylen - Owning the rest of Alvaak at Outcast, awarded a bunch of medals, mIRC, eMail, message boards.

Dark Jedi Knight Deathdealer - Nothing. You've got one more week to get me a report or you get the Boot(tm).

Dark Jedi Knight LilHawke - Nothing.

Dark Jedi Knight Tatsu Kogarasu - Email, IRC, playing JK/JO, created a custom lightsaber for me, awarded a butt-load of medals.

Dark Jedi Knight Vally Tamalar - Nothing.

Acolyte Kuro - IRC, Outcast, awarded several medals!

Acolyte Sirik Xirok - IRC, Outcast, couple medals.


The Great Jedi War! Solidarity!

Bi-weekly screenshot competition. Every 2 weeks we tally screenshots from your EH matches. Minimum of 7 to be eligible for the Crescents. There is a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!

There is always something going on in #obelisk.


JH Mazrim Taim: Out

ACO Kodiak Kereban: Out


OBM Ryell Zoith (1): 1 Star of Eos

OW Jacen Aylen (7): 2 Clusters of Fire, 2 Amethyst Crescents, 2 Sapphire Crescents, 1 Emerald Crescent

DJK Tatsu Kogarasu (4): 1 Amethyst Crescent, 1 Sapphire Crescent, 2 Emerald Crescents

ACO Kuro (4): 1 Cluster of Fire, 2 Sapphire Crescents, 1 Emerald Crescent

ACO Sirik Xirok (1): 1 Topaz Crescent


None this week, might be 1 or 2 next week though.


Well, first of all...let me say that I got 3rd in the Krath portion of the Alvaak Ladder, and beat out a couple of Sith in XvT!  So, it's official...I am the man!  :P  Congratulations to all of you who received medals this week, you earned it.  To those of you who didn't compete in the ladder, you're on my bad list, bums!  That's all.  

Obelisk Warrior Jacen Aylen

-Guard of the Consul-

Aedile/House Auctoritas of Alvaak




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