Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Dominatus Aedile Report

The chambers of Bant Komad reflected their owner perfectly: small, durable and with purpose. The room was situated on the top floor of the fortified citadel of Dominatus, on the moon of Erun orbiting the planet Ullyr, and the deep chasms of the space rock reminded Bant of home, thin atmosphere and all. Around him, the chamber was decorated in whites, beiges and creams, all the furniture was minimalistic but comfortable, and the dimunitive Nimdan sat cross-legged, eyes closed in meditation.

Before the Archpriest, a small, spherical droid twittered and beeped. This was Bants journal, and as the time came, it spoke to him…

“What News, Jedi Bant?”

ØThe run-on is still continuing.

ØThere are no KMT’s for Feburary because of the GJW.

ØThe GJW continues, the Run-On part is concluded, as is Phase 1.

ØBrenn has earned first place in the Run-On.

ØChamberlain has earned third place in the Run-On.

ØMy old friend Corde has joined the house.

“What of the House?”

ØThe Run-on, ‘Lost In Space’ is continuing again.

ØThe In Character Board is operational but not being utilised by all members. If use does not start harsher action will be taken.

ØThe Dominatus Newsletter has not received any submissions for March as of yet, and has been halted due to the GJW.

ØI have biographies from all but 1 member.

ØThe Head Scholar programme has had no submissions.

“Has anyone excelled or failed impressively?”

ØBrenn earned first place in the Run-On, and has submitted to the Phase 1 GJW.

ØChamberlain earned third place in the Run-On.

ØJeron is working on the House Web Library.

ØKP Jacob has contacted me about his in-activity, and it seems Yahoo!Groups will not let him join the Dominatus egroup. I am working with him to remedy this.

ØAndronicus is not active, despite my persistent mails.

ØTatsu has left us.

“What are your thoughts?”

ØMy internet connection may once again be broken, but this time on a more permenant basis. I will endeavour to notify everyone of this in time, however I may be forced to step down as Aedile. This is the reason for my sporadic reports and appearances online.

ØI hear rumbles that members do not enjoy this GJW.

ØWill the KMT’s for January be marked soon?

Yours In Tenebrium,

KAP Bant Komad (Krath)/AED/Dominatus of Alvaak,


RG/HNR Bant Komad/Alpha-Phare-Ullyr

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