<head> <title>Weekly Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head>
QUAESTOR REPORT #8 for Week Ending 28/02/2003
Dark Greetings Brethren of Qel-Droma,
House News:
**_Phyle Websites:
_**JaM3z was side tracked this week with my demands on the House site. As you can see it's almost finished, we just have a few more images to add, some text changes and then we need the Dark Orb Phyle blurb. These are all minor changes and shouldn't take our masta-coder very long. I'd hope to see the Phyle sites up and running this weekend, but if we must all hold our patience then that's the way it is. I know our Aedile also has some school work to do, so if we have to wait a few more days...tough!
Week Leave of Absence:
Just to let you all know that JH Karan Callidus Entar will be out on special assignment for me for 1 weekcommencing Monday. You shouldn't see him around, but he promises me he can handle this task on top of Phase 2 of the GJW. Failure on his part will result on execution...so stay tuned! (For those of you that don't get my ahetic attempt at role-play - he's on holiday for 1 week in real life!)
Clan Speciality Powers:
I amn't sure if you are all aware, but the DGM has decreed that all Clans can have speciality Force powers. These powers are only available when you are in that Clan and are non-transferable. Proconsul khobai produced soem excellent ideas for our powers, read them here. He has also gone on to explain how the powers will work for YOU rank. There is a bit of a discussion going on there just now, so go and ad your own ten cents here or forever hold your peace.
GJW Participation:_**
**_I was overwhelmed with the amount of submissions we recieved - it appears all my nippy e-mails did the trick! Thank you all for your hard work. I hope to have an archive GJW site after the event where we can all read each others work and it'll be used as a library/resource in years to come. Here's a small breakdown I produced for Phase 1:
- **Poem** = 13 submissions
out of 18 members = **68%** participation
- **Story** = 9 submissions
out of 18 members = **50%** participation
- **Ritual** = 10 submissions
out of 18 members = **56%** participation
- **Graphic** = 11 submissions
out of 18 members = **61%** participation
= 43 submissions from a possible 72 = **60%**
NB = Please check out the competitions section of the House Qel-Droma web-site for a concise list of the task and participants of Phase 1.
Dark Brotherhood News:
**_Grand Master Report:
_**1) It's been a busy week for everyone. The GJW is proceeding well and some people have been really active. On my end of things however, instead of getting some vacation time, I had to work more than usual. Send all hate mail to me and I'll forward them all directly to my boss. :)
2) I'll now be taking applications for the position of Commander of the Guard. The primary duties of the CoG are to keep the Guardsmen active, constantly improve their skills and finally to go out there and kick some ass!
Applications should be sent to myself and Mairin. There are no set guidelines for the applications, but since the Obelisk as a whole seem to lack the seriousness and dedication that is required, I'm opening the job up for all 3 Orders. Although, obviously I won't give the job to someone who sucks at Jedi Knight or Jedi Knight 2 and that person will be expected to immediately switch to Obelisk. Level design skills are a bonus.
3) Once the GJW is over, I'll be looking for a few people to help in the organisation and running of several projects. One of which is the next GJW and another being a project to bring more background and interactivity to the Dark Brotherhood. Start thinking about these right now and if you're interested in learning more about this, don't hesitate to talk to me directly.
Krath High Priest Report:
1) Run-On results should be out real soon. Krath section of Phase 1 is being judged as we speak. Please bare with me as I try to put my best effort into grading accurately.
2) Any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions should be sent to your Order Leader and/or DGM personally.
3) Phase 2 is on. Get on it! ==> http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.htm
4) I will tell you all this...it is a close war. I'm dead serious here. Each and every submission is important. Good luck.
Dark Voice #34:
In this issue we have MANY interesting stories to share with you, we also have some great poems and graphics for you to check out. We are missing one thing this month SCREENSHOTS! Obbies where are you at, one submission to me would have got the screenshot of the month! Oh well, maybe next time. Dont forget the great article by our staff writers; Anshar and Arcturus. Also dont forget the new comic section brought to you by none other then the famous, Rage Akaido. She has a great one this month about Message Board run-ons that I am sure many will relate to!
Dont forget to keep on submitting I only gave out a little 37 medals for this month! Remember to follow the guidelines, I am looking forward to hearing from you. We are still looking for Staff Members to contribute to the DV on a monthly basis. If you have questions, comments or concerns just e-mail [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. ~ KAP Korbane Ashoka
**Great Jedi War:
<table width="83%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" align="center" height="436"> <tr bgcolor="#660099"> <td colspan="2">
</tr> <tr> <td width="12%" height="50">
Poetry 1
<td width="88%" height="50">
_Battle Hymn inspire your Clan-mates to victory with your words.
**Submissions should be 30 lines minimum .doc, .txt, or .rtf format only.
Ensure your ID line is included in your submission file **_
</tr> <tr> <td width="12%" height="42">
Story 2
<td width="88%" height="42">
_Document the breakdown of the Alliance, how it affects you, and what your actions are during the War of Possession.
** Submissions should be 1 page minimum, 12 point Times New Roman .doc,
.txt or .rtf format only.
Ensure your ID line is included in your submission file **_
</tr> <tr bgcolor="#009900"> <td colspan="2">
</tr> <tr> <td width="12%" height="69">
<td width="88%" height="69">
Who is the real mastermind behind the pirate incursion? What are his aims and goals? Put yourself in the place of a master-spy, sent out to determine the whereabouts, and identity of the crook. The more detail you can provide, the better.
<i>Submissions should 12 point Times New Roman .doc, .txt or .rtf format only.</i>
</tr> <tr> <td width="12%">
_Graphics 2 _
<td width="88%">_Design a banner
or graphic which takes in some aspect of the plot so far._
**Submissions in .gif or .jpg format, zipped; send to [eloniel@dsl.pipex.com](mailto:eloniel@dsl.pipex.com?subject=Phase%201%20-%20Open%20Events:%20Graphics)
** </td>
</tr> <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <td colspan="2">
</tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="71">
1. You may only take part
in the events relating to your Order, except for Open Events, which
are open to all Orders.
2. All entries are due in
by 11.59pm EST on 31st March 2003. Late entries **WILL** be deleted.
3. Krath entries should be
sent to megatronlives@comcast.net and eloniel@dsl.pipex.com => **CLICK
4. Open entries should be
sent to eloniel@dsl.pipex.com => **CLICK [HERE](mailto:%20eloniel@dsl.pipex.com?cc=James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk;%20JaM3z2000@hotmail.com&subject=GJW%20-%20Open%20Phase%202:%20%20Graphics/Mastermind%20Design)**
</tr> </table>
_Member:** Karan Callidus Entar / JaM3z Lucius Entar[4] / Kalinor /
Medal Awarded: Dark Side Scroll
Date Awarded: 2/27/2003
Reason for Award: For submitting to Dark Voice #34
*Member: **Khobai Wrathraven *
Medal Awarded: *Crescent with Emerald Star *
Date Awarded: *2/25/2003 *
Reason for Award: *Winner of the Prophecy Phyle Emblem competition. DGM Competition ID = 77 *
**_ All 3 of these journeymen participated well in the GJW and after there 1-2 months service as a Novice they have all grown in the Force, worthy to now be Acolytes.
Novice Dalk Darklighter was promoted to Acolyte - Congratulations!
Novice **Kalinor **was promoted to Acolyte - Congratulations!
Novice** Kandos Katarn** was promoted to Acolyte - Congratulations!
<table border="0"> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <th class="Type2" align="Left" width="125">
<th class="Type2" width="212">
<th class="Type2" width="213">
</tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Dark Side Adept</td> <td width="212">Mejas Doto</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Pontifex</td> <td width="212">Dr Fox</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Epis</td> <td width="212">[^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar](dossier.asp?ID=1400)</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Epis</td> <td width="212">Alex</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Archpriest</td> <td width="212">Anshar</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Archpriest</td> <td width="212">D'hak</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Archpriest</td> <td width="212">Korbane Ashoka</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Priest</td> <td width="212">JaM3z Lucius Entar</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">TK-7764 </td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Jedi Hunter</td> <td width="212">Karan Callidus Entar</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Jedi Hunter</td> <td width="212">Xizor</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Guardian</td> <td width="212">Strategos</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Dalk Darklighter</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Kalinor</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Kandos Katarn</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Kris Omega</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="125">Novice</td> <td width="212">Krathie Fairy</td> <td width="213">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> </table>
House Qel-Droma Website <=== Gotta check this new baby out!!!
Dark Orb Phyle - No website available
Prophecy Phyle - No website available
The GJW entries should be marked REALLY soon! I know that KHP Tronsta has marked his side of teh run-on's, just waiting for Mairin then results will be out! As for the individual phases, there is still loads for the KHP and DGM to mark. Results for those may take a few weeks...
Again I'd like to thank everyone for their participation. I am farirly confident we'll place in the top 3 Krath houses. From my chat with the Ektrosis QUA, they shouldn't be as feared as usual!!! I think we have a real shot at this, and I believe that HQD has provided 1/4 of submissions for all of the 3 events.participation is a big part and I'm really chuffed you've all been motiovated enough to take part. HOWEVER - in Phase 2 I wanna see if we can increase our activity 1 more notch - there are only 2 Krath events but there are also 2 Open events we should take part in. Let's try and get 60% minimum in each phase and aim for 70%!!! We have 1 month so I think it's really possible we can do this.
As always, if anyone has any problems at all then please don't hesitate to contact [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Dark Side Adept Mejas Doto - [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
"Embrace the Darkness"
DA Mejas Doto (Krath)/M:HRLD-QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona
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