I have went through all SA dossiers and checked to see everyone has the correct rank and training components. All are now up to date. Also, as many of you know the SA flush was implemented today. If you were flushed but were active re-enlist and get throught teh SA within your 90 days and you'll make ACO and graduate. Those are the SA's terms. I've had LOADS of mail about this subject so:- here's how you should go about graduating (details also on SA Site):
When you enlist you are appointed an APP. You should go to the SA site. Undergraduates section and then EXAMS link. This will take you to the DB Basics Exam. It is form like and you should fill it in, submit it, then wait! This will get you promoted to NOV and also add the SA BASICS component to your dossier.
To go from NOV to ACO you should LOGIN to the main DB site. If you've never logged in before you will see a link to "Request a Password", then you will be maield a pass and you can login. When logged in you will be presented with several options and you want to select "EDIT PROFILE". When you submit your profile, I am then sent a copy to approve or deny. If approved you will be promoted to ACO, gain the Character Profile training component.
Finally to gain your SA CORE component and graduate from the SA, you must login again and go to "MEMBER CENTRE". Here you can select a Clan and House. Only when you are in a Clan can you graduate fully.
I hope this clears up the current SA for everyone. I realise it has been a tedious time and my transistion has been difficult, however with everything updated I'm confident it will all be A-OK from here on...
I realise this may have only been sent to SA students but feel it is important for EVERYONE to know about it.I'll also be mailing it out to all summits. Thanks!
DA Mejas Doto (Krath)/HM/GC/SC-SoI/BZ-GQ w/1/DC-KC-O-C-Dw/4/(BNAg)/(DSSx4)/(LSS) {SA:CORE} {IWATS:GFX}
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