Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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**<font color="#FF0000">Welcome

Brethen to the Black Omega Report</font>**

**<font color="#999999">_<font size="4">News


<li>Black Omega News</li>

You MUST inform me and your Flight Leader of your actvitity, if you don't then no rewards or promotions

Not Much Going on this week, Ronin put up a great fight to try and get the GJW but Obelisk and Krath in Alvaak aren't very strong, so...

PCON Frey has decided to form the Krath Task Force, anyone who wants to join can do so (see the e-mail he sent)

FCHG Race restarted for March

<li>House Ronin News</li>

We did great in Phase 1 but problems occured. See Aboive

RM DJK Blaine has resigned

Our AED, Tiss, has a new competition idea "A Drop of Blood" more details soon.

<li>Clan Alvaak News</li>


Dark greetings all !

As you may know or not, we are allowed to ally with other Clans. I took care of this and so we ended with being allied with Tarentum and CSP.

As you may have noticed, CSP and Naga Sadow are attacking each other, so we will join our brothers and sisters of CSP and fight against Naga Sadow as if we would face them.

The alliances are just containing that we help the other ones in military, so we don`t share any intelligence things.

So therefore i give out following orders:

Sith will do following:

Fly SP Missions:

SP Missions are:

TIE-Free: 149 -

XvT-Free: 105 -

XWA-Free: 47 -

Files should be sent to your HOUSE SUMMITS in time for them to work out results and send them to myself (the DGM) and the SHW for 6pm GMT Saturday!

Krath Task Force:


Your intelligence round starts here! Answers are due by 6pm GMT Saturday! also to the DGM

Obelisks and Sith MP:

your nicks have to reflect your Clan, so in my case it is AL-Frey, we just fight Naga Sadow !!! So don`t end up fighting any CSP'ers :)

MP sessions will be held on the channel #ShadowAcademy

So i hope to see you there !

thats it for the moement, if you have any questions, feel free to mail me.


SBM Frey Gallandro (SITH)/PCON/Clan Alvaak

<font size="4">Orders-</font>

XvT-F 105, TIE-F 149 and XWA-F 47 - <font size="2"> this is of Paramount importance</font>

Well there is the Black Omega flying competition going on at the moment so all the misssions you fly count towards that at the moment.

Fiction is always nice for me to read

When the ladder restarts that.

BUT! at the moment the most important thing you can do is the Great Jedi War


Promotions and Awards-

Chaose - Crescent with Emerald Star

Stryker - Crescent with Quartz Star

Nitecki - Crescent with Topaz Star

Black Omega Competitions-


Fly as many battles as possible, any from the TC Battle Centre Count

Emerald Star - First in Battle Team

Topaz Star - Second in Battle Team

Quartz Star Third in Battle Team

Started beggining of March end March 31st

Flight Reports-

Black Omega

Flight II Report #5

by DJK Marcin Szydlowski #2574

([Log in to view e-mail addresses])


Sad news. Clan Alvaak has been defeated in GJW due to lack of Obelisk and Krath support. Only House Ronin tried to defend position of Clan, but alone we've failed miserebly. (2nd from bottom).

But now, changes will come. RM resigned, CON resigned and GA Ronin selected Frey as new CON. So it will be better. And as Flight 2 we will do out best to help our House and Clan :)

Now, we have competition. Details in CON's mail. Sufficiently to say, we have to complete XvT-F 105, TIE-F 149 and XWA-F 47. I expect 100% presence guys. Do look at the others, we are the best there is, let's act like that.

Now, I have new project. I am going to write mission creation tutorial (click here, click there style). So anyone will be able to create free mission, even if you never used XvTED before :)


DJK Marcin Szydlowski: regular #alvaak presence.

PRT Vorgin: XWA-TC 24, TIE-TC 13, XWA-Free 1,45-47

ACO Jer Stryker: RL and computer problems

Total activity level: low


Black Omega Flight 2:

DJK Marcin Szydlowski #2574 ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

GRD Vorgir #2761 ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

ACO Jer Stryker #2254 ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])


Active participation in all squadron (and other) competitions with good results.

Recruiting 4th member of Flight

All members of Flight to work hard and get DJK ranks. - 33% complete

Creation of Black Omega battles. - 1 battle released

DB related, free mission creation tutorial - started

I think that will be enought for now :)


Ok guys. You know what to do. Remember to inform me about your activity next week.


DJK Marcin Szydlowski (Sith)/FL/Ronin of Alvaak

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]


on Leave


Anthol - Nothing

Zeth - Unknown

#alvaak presence and e-mail

Jaza - Unknown

#alvaak presence and e-mail

Mike - Flight Report

#alvaak presence and e-mail

Vorgir - Unknown

<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" color="#FF0000">#alvaak presence and e-mail</font>

Stryker - None due to computer problems and RL activities.

<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" color="#FF0000">#alvaak presence and e-mail</font>

Chaose - Away on Leave

Nitecki - Currently flying some XWA and XvT DB battles

<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" color="#FF0000">#alvaak presence and e-mail</font>

Black Omega Roster-

Sith Commander Davi Anthol [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

Sith Flight Member Zeth Durron [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte

Sith Flight Member Jaza Iksiar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Sith Flight Member TBA

Sith Flight Leader Marcin Szydlowski [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Sith Flight Member Vorgir [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Sith Flight Member Jer Stryker [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte

Sith Flight Member TBA

Sith Flight Leader Chaose [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

Sith Flight Member Thomas Nitecki [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Sith Flight Member TBA

Sith Flight Member TBA

Anthol's Thoughts-

We've had a slow week but not to worry i know your all busy, especially me :D


JH Davi Anthol/Sith/CMDR Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak


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