Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

As some of you know already I'm back from the wholecrap that falled on my head latelly. And I'd like to see that I'm fairly impressed with the performance of some of our members. It seems after all that not everyone is dead over here and that's a good surprice for me.So I belive they deserve a special mention and a little fictional reward for them.

The member of Auctoritas having an informal meeting in their readyroom, waiting for Khan, quaestor of the house, to arrive.

Suddendly the door opened and Battle Master Khan entered the room, wearing his formal tunic, and the member united rised up "At ease" said Khan walking his way to his seat.Two huge boxes and a smaller one were following him, a couple of feets from the ground most likely thanx to Khan's powers.

"I gathered you all today to express my thanx to some of you that have showed costant dedication and willingness to do their best in this great jedi war and so helping our House and Clan to grow. Been member of Clan Alvaak has alway been an Honor and a privilege and for the same reason most of the lesser clan look down on us. This has lead many of our member to belive some of the rumors spread by our enemys and flee or lose the will to do their best for the Glory of Alvaak. It's true that I expect an higher standard by our member and I'm aware that those standards can't be reached by anyone but today I'm here to honor 3 members that have proved they are worthy of my respect."

He paused for a second looking at the member gathered in the room. "Acolyte Sitik, Acolyte Kuro " he called and the two member rised up and reached Khan's seat "for your costant help and partecipation in this GJW I have a little present for you both " he said and the two huge boxes reached them " You are not yet ready to use a lightsaber but I belive this present will be a good friend till that day ".

The two opened the boxes and inside they found a 1.2 meter long sword made of a strange darkpurple crystal. They immidiatly felt the force emanating from the swords.

"Those are Sith swords. My kind used such weapon back in the days of the glorious Sith Empire and still today are as effective as they were 4000 years ago". Khan paused for a second to give the two the time to wield the swords and slash them a couple of times and when they stoppend he continued his speech. "I made them for you two following the teaching I've been given long time ago by my master and those swords will be your best friend for the time been. With them you'll be able to fight at our side in every battle as thankx to the force I put in them, and the once of yours, you'll be able to deflect blasters and block other lightsabers like if you whould be using a lightsaber. Few those days recive such prestigious gift and I belive it's the best way I have to show you my appreciation to your efforts. Keep up the good work".

Khan nodded at them and the two ACO took their seat with their new Sith swords at their side.

"Now" he said "I want to express my gratitude to a more experience brother, Knight Tatsu "

Dark Jedi Knight Tatsu rised from his seat and reached Khan "I know you have already a lightsaber but I though you'll appreciate it anyway " Khan looked at the smaller box and it moved into the knight's hand. Tatsu opened the small box and he took a lightsaber from the inside. "This is the lightsaber I made when I first joined Alvaak years ago, it helped me much and I hope it will serve you as well as it did with me." Tatsu nodded and moved back to his seat.

Khan took some moments to looks at the members before continue with his speech. " Now, the meeting is over folks. Go get some rest as we'll be engaged again very soon." and with this word Khan left the readyroom.

I hope you guys liked it even with my hellish english heh so now let's move with the news =P

DB News:

Some DC reports are on the DB site so check it (expecially the GM's and DGM's one).

Phase 2 of the GJW continue fairly well and I'd like to see Alvaak placed higher then the last couple of editions.

CoG is still open for applications, if you belive you can do it mail your application to FF and Mairin.

Clan News:

Keiran resigned from his position of CON and Frey has been chose by our Overlod, GA Ronin, as his replacment. Do NOT send application for PCON till Frey officially open it.

House News:

I'm back.

Nothing more then that as I don't know yet who's we are gonna fight in the 2nd round of the wargame.


Jacen has been promoted to Battle Master for his costant and amazing work over the last months and I'm really glad to see him rewarded for all his efforts.


The bi-weekly screenshots. Take a screenshot of each mp match you play (only matches Vs DB members)and submit it to me and Jacen. The person that submit me more screenshot in a 2 weeks time get a shiny medal. To be valid you must submit me at last 7 screenshots (a match every 2 days, it's not that hard). Only for the lenght of the GJW I have decided to add a new rule: Each screenshots submitted that came from a match in this GJW count twice. This will give move possibilities of winning to those members that are doing their duties fighting for the Clan and invite those who are not doing so to wake up.

Phase 2 of the GJW is running folks. We have matched in the first turn VS Naga Sadow but with the beginning of next turn we'll be facing a new and probably more aggressice enemy. The dettails for the GJW can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.htm . All members should be in #Alvaak as usual and #ShadowAccademy for the matches. Some common rules state that you have to use our Clan suffix ( AL) before your name if you are ready for a fight (i.e. AL_Khan) and you are allowed to fight only agaist the clan we are fighting that turn. I'd like to see everyone partecipating so go get some kills for us heh

Activity Report:

OBM Jacen Aylen

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Partecipating in the GJW.

Me, OBM Khan

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Back on duty and kicked some CNSs

OBM Ryell Zoith

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Nothing I heard about.

DJK Deathdealer

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Nothing I heard about.

DJK LilHawke

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Nothing in weeks.

DJK Tatsu Kogarasu

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Very good partecipation in the GJW.

DJK Vally

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Nothing at all in weeks

ACO Kuro

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Very ood partecipation in the GJW.

ACO Sirik Xirok

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Very good partecipation in the GJW.


OBM Jacen Aylen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OBM Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OBM Ryell Zoith [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Deathdealer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK LilHawke [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Tatsu Kogarasu [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Vally [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Kuro [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Sirik Xirok [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


OBM Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]




AED Report:

Auctoritas Aedile Report

1 March 2003

Khan is back, so I can quit keeping those friggin activity reports. :P


Congratulations to the new Brigade Sergeant, DJK Tatsu Kogarasu.

Great Jedi War Phase 2!!! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.htm

Applications are being taken for Commander of the Guard. Apply to Firefox and Mairin.


The Great Jedi War! Solidarity! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.htm

Bi-weekly screenshot competition. Every 2 weeks we tally screenshots from your EH matches. Minimum of 7 to be eligible for the Crescents. There is a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!

There is always something going on in #obelisk. http://obelisk.minos.net






Definitely 2, possibly 3 coming up really soon.


I actually did a Krath Shadow Academy course this week.  I was really bored...that's all.  :P  

Obelisk Warrior Jacen Aylen

-Guard of the Consul-

Aedile/House Auctoritas of Alvaak




RM Report:


SGT Report:


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