Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Dark Greetings Jedis

This is report #18 dating 09.03.2003 coming from Austin, Texas and due to my schedules here one day late. Sorry for that.

First of all I would like to let you know that I'm currently experienced serious mailtroubles so I lack quite a lot of informations about what happened in the past days. Therefore I have no other choice than to base my report on that what I know.


Judging after the the message flow in the cestus mail group it seems that activity is quite down a bit, but perhpas you just don't discuss your MP matches over the mailgroup. But what I noticed is that neither the AED nor the RM did anz reports so far I could use here. Only because I'm vanishing to a degree it doesn't mean zou have to copy me :P


The wargame is still going on. I tried to figure out from the news board on DJB.org how Tarentum is doing but I had no luck. If someone could give me a summary of everything that was said in the past days about tactics and strategies ad especially what we actually did as moves I would apreciate it because then I could try to add my part to it as well.


Ziguarath had to leave us to Rogues due to his deployment to the gulf region as british soldier. Let's hope he will return savely home to us and his family.

The roster is now at 25 members as far as I now


DJK Glorfindel was appointed as the new SGT of Armoured Fist because we had to relief Ziguarath from his post due to his long absence. Congrats Glor already your second SGT position :)


At the beginning of this week I was able to elevate Zekk to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. With that he has finally entered the ranks of knighthood. Congrats Zekk :) . I know for how long you waited for that.


Only thing I know here is that I was awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side for my work as QUA of Cestus. Thank you to all of you who helped recommending it for me especially my APP Lady Rage who had the idea for it. I'm really happy about that medal. :)

That concludes m report. I apologizes for the incompleteness fof my information and I hope I can provide you a better report next time. As for all typos in the report I'm still wrestling with the U.S. keyboard so have patience with me it only can get better :P

In Deep Respect


Gelton Torr

OBM Gelton Torr(obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum</bow>

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