Wooo... home sick all day so that I can go to school tomorrow and play rugby so I've been doing GJW stuff all day!
Brian is still waiting on his DSL to arrive, his AOHell has been removed in preparation for the new conn and will be back soon!
Turn 3 Ended the other day. Turn 4 ends tomorrow at 12PM EST.
We're currently in Turn 4 of the GJW's Wargame! We're currently cleaning house in everything except the Sith MP ladder where we are at -3 (once my win is reported)
Those who have joysticks and have the time remember to fly these missions -
TIE Free 105: Current High Score = 67.462
XvT Free 57: Current High Score = 61.825
XWA Free 34: Current High Score = 7.690
JH Zoron - Flew Turn 3 XvT mission. Got 133% of high score. Flew MP vs CSK's SWL Drako and won 21-16. Submitted a bunch of screenshots for the Sith 'Open' Event.
SW Brian - DSL is being installed.... today hopefully.
SW Dax Corrin - Flew XvT Turn 3 mission and nailed down 175% of score.
PRT Drax Remlinger - Promised to fly the XvT/TIE/XWA missions for turn 4
SW Doros - Unavailable
SW Ekim Yellek - No joystick accesable to him right now. Working on the Open Fiction though.
Final Notes - Though the DGM seems to have miscalculated our losses from last round, Arcona is still ripping it up thanks mostly to our Krath and Obelisks' work on beating up on the other clans. We sith REALLY gotta start producing some major points and start handing people their asses in #shadowacademy. Remember, if they have their clan's prefix in front of their names, they are open to challenges and CANNOT back down if they own the game. If you have your prefix in front, you must accept any challenges as well or else face a forfeit. If any people (namely Sith) decline a match, send the log of the incident to Mairin and Hades to report as a forfeit. Start cleaning up the points boys.
Battle Team Information:
House: Oriens Obscurum
We are the eyes of Darkness
Order: Sith
Jedi Hunter Kenath Zoron []
Reports: | Sith Commander (17) |
Battle Team Roster: Members
Name Email Rank
Sith Commander Kenath Zoron [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter
Sith Flight Member Brian [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Warrior
Sith Flight Member TBA
Sith Flight Member TBA
Sith Flight Leader Dax Corrin [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Warrior
Sith Flight Member Caltin Doros [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Warrior
Sith Flight Member TBA
Sith Flight Member TBA
Sith Flight Leader Drax Remlinger [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian
Sith Flight Member Ekim Yellek [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Warrior
Sith Flight Member TBA
Sith Flight Member TBA
~In Darkness~
Jedi Hunter Kenath Zoron
JH Kenath Zoron (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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