Battleteam Nightstalker Squadron
Report #8
For the week ending Thursday March 13th, 2003
Commander: JH Pokemaster
"Yikes! I can't believe I overslept!!!!! I gotta do the Report before Gidda throws me out an airlock!!" Jedi Hunter Pokemaster thought as skidded into the briefing room. It had been a quiet week, and coupled with Snij becoming NightMare CMDR had led him to go to bed REALLY early the past night....
- Well, I normally don't report out-of-BT news, but this is noteworthy. QUA Gidda went insane and made Snij NightMare Commander.
-JH Pokemaster: IRC Activity, Email Activity
-SW Dae Cam: No activity
-SBM Tiger: IRC Activity
-SW Aeishline Strathaven: Email Activity, IRC Activity
-GRD Zexipher Van Taelyan: IRC Activity
-ACO Zekk Thyne: No Activity
-PRT Starpred: No Activity
-JH Screedious: Flew XvTFREE 57, 58, 60, 63, 105, 125 XvTFCHG 3, XWACAB 1, 3, 4, XWADB 1, XWAFREE 34, 47, 82, 88, 89, 93, 94,. XWATC 11
-PRT Mithrandir: No activity
-I hate to do this, but in addition to Gidda's AWOL check, I'm performing my own. You have until Saturday, March 22nd to contact me on IRC, Email, or AIM (ShadowX1004), otherwise I will ask Gidda to remove you from the Roster.
Respectfully submitted;
JH Pokemaster (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
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