Nightshade Battleteam
Report #27
Week ending Thursday March 13th
Commander: SBM Jaron Kai
It had been a slow week, with CSP forces encountering few enemies in their quest to recover space and artefacts from the remains of the pirate attack, all they had had to do was a couple of missions and some intelligence work. And yet, for all the near boredom, Jaron Kai seemed unusually happy. The members of Nightshade were worried, had they made her so angry that she had finally lost it? Had she become a Snij? Would they feel horrible comedic wrath? And why in the name of the Sith had Jaron decided to hold this week's briefing in the great hall? As they entered, they joined the rest of House Caliburnus, the Summit and their CMDR were on stage. Gidda took a step forward and spoke, "It is a great honor to elevate on of our own today to the prestigious rank of Sith Battlemaster, few live long enough, particularly in these troubled times, to earn such power. Jaron Kai, step forward."
- Woohoo! I made SBM! Thanks for all the support I've gotten from you guys, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have such a great squad to lead, you make me look good, so let's keep it up! At the end of the GJW, the team with the highest performance will be named HC's prime BT, I want that team to be Nightshade!
- Phase Two of the GJW has started, details are at: Go complete the Sith and Open events and look for the SP and MP Sith ladders to be released this weekend. All submissions are due as detailed on the site by March 31st 11:59 EST!
- The Wargame is ongoing, it's confusing, I know. Every couple of days you will get an e-mail from me telling you specifically what to do. That will consist of trivia and sometimes, MP and SP combat against another Clan we have encountered. Just watch your e-mail and ask me or one of the Summit if you have questions and we'll be fine! For the glory of House Caliburnus!
SBM Jaron Kai - Flew (GASP!) XWA-Free #1, did all of the trivia (3, I think, the weeks are melding together in my head)
SBM Eugene - No contact, fly for the GJW and keep me updated about your student
ACO EHDarkshadow - Respond to Gidda's mail or be AWOL'd
GRD Yun - Requested transfer to Reserves
GRD Diedre Varn - No contact, participate in the GJW!
JH Ace Hobbes - E-mail/IRC Contact
DJK Falcon - IRC contact
GRD Ketan-Shej - Did Trivia for Turns 3 & 4, completed two HC Courses (one more for another DC!)
DJK Terek Kesh - No contact, participate in the GJW!
PRT Ketan-Shej >>> Guardian
SW Jaron Kai >>> Sith Battlemaster
- Catchy name, eh? Anyway, each mission you fly, and each CF you earn counts for one point. Any submissions for House Flying Comp, SSL or Dark Jedi Games count double! The person with the most points earns a Emerald Star , second place gets an Topaz Star, third gets a Quartz Star. Competition runs from March 1st to March 31st! Remember, all GJW SP submissions count for two points. Any GJW MP match counts for one point, if you win the match, you'll get two points, so get out there and battle! I'll also give two points for each trivia submission!
GRD Ketan-Shej - 4 Points
Get those GJW Sith events in, remember you can do trivia as well!
Contact me with any ideas for competitions!
Submitted by:
SBM Jaron Kai (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
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