I'm looking for two Magistrates to aid me in the Obelisk Office.
The first M:OHC will be responsible for making/running the Obelisk order combat calender. This will involve setting up MP competitions in JK 1 and JK 2, setting out Hosts and Alternative hosts, and over-seeing that the competitions run smoothly.
The second M:OHC will be responsible for the production and maintaining of a new Obelisk site.
Requirments for M:OHC:
-Must hold the minimum rank of Jedi Hunter.
-At least 6 months in the Dark Brotherhood.
-M:OHC #1 must have a proven record of running competitions.
-M:OHC #2 must have a proven record of site building/keeping.
-Tell me why you want the position (Just tell me the truth, I'm only being curious)
Send all applications to OBM Exar Khaland ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). I plan to choose these positions quickly so I can continue work ASAP.
Battlemaster Exar Khaland
Obelisk High Commander
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