Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Dark Greetings Jedis

This is report #19 dating 16.03.2003 and coming again from Austin Texas. This will be the last report from Austin because I will leave tommorow for Belize to start my participation in the excavation there. I will probably need a little to get my directions down there and find a I-net con, but as soon as I have found one I will let you know. So don't start worrying if I'm gone for a few days. But now without any further delay on to my weekly report.


The main activity of Cestus should now be beating up our enemies in the GJW. I heard of some games played and some members visiting the MP channel, but I don't have the full picture. Therefore I ask all members who are playng MP for the GJW - and I expect from all of you who are theoretical able to play to practically do it - to sent me and Zetar a line of your matches every time you played one. That will help us to see who is active and who is not so we can decide after the GJW if this person gets a medal, nothing or the boot. You see it's in your best interest to keep me informed. With these match informations I will be able to make a better assessment of our current activity level.


The only comp currently running is the GJW wargame. Our main duty in there is to ensure the supremacy of Tarentum in the GJW Obelisk ladder, but so far we are far away from that so I order now all Cestides get into the channel #shadowacademy and start flaying our foes.

Everyone who can't play JK2 MP should try to support our Kraths in the trivia or if he is an accomplished pilot he could try to fly the Sith missions. So you see a lot of work but believe me th rewards will be great for you.


Our roster is down to 24 from 25 last week due to the fact that Marcus Gladius Octavianus as left us. 24 is still a high number but there are several inactive members the we will probably loose after the GJW so keep your eyes open for new active members.


NOV Gistenjunge was elevated to the rank of ACO due to his high level of activity he showed since he joined us. Congratulations you deserve it keep up the good work.


No service awards this time but several comp medals:

Reb Crush: 1xCF, 1xCr/R

Sukuth: 1xCF, 1xCr/R

This concludes my report for this week. Let's see if I can sent you another one next week from Belize.

In Deep Respect


Gelton Torr

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OBM Gelton Torr (0belisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: CRU-G]


"Shadow is my Armor, Darkness is my Shield, Fear is my Sword"</bow>

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