Consul Report


Consul Report

...a return to the past...?

Greetings Clan Naga Sadow,

I suppose many of you are wondering "Why the change in style?". Well, I thought it's been half a year, and I've had the same report format for that time, and more - since it was like it when I was Proconsul too, so I thought it's time for a change. But, at the same time, I thought let's return to something traditional, so dug up one of Trev's old reports...perhaps bring back a little bit of the Golden Age will bring back the good times with it...

Clan News:

Wargame | Good week, very good week. We defeated Alvaak on their own territory, thus gaining us another hex, we're also in battle with Tarentum at this moment, unfortunately we drew with them last turn so have to fight them again this turn, but I've invaded another Tarentum hex too, so it's two for the price of one. We're also invading Alvaak again this turn, so take your pick on who you want to fight. Opponents can be found on IRC in #shadowacademy

AWOL Check | Just a quick reminder, the AWOLing policy at the end of this war remains, so take part or forever hold your breath...or something like that. By the end of the wargame they'll have been over two months, so there won't really be much excuse for not having done something, though remember, deadline is the 31st March for other Phase II stuff.

Open Events | Stickmen did you hear me say? Yes. Stickmen, unless your graphics talent is good go and spend thirty seconds earning your Clan a point and ensuring you don't get AWOLed by drawing a stickman! Remember, we're just four points behind Alvaak who are in 6th place, we don't have to come last, and every stickman counts!

Black Guard | THE RETURN: The Black Guard will be formally returning in a few weeks when the Great Jedi War concludes, I already have decided on who to appoint as our Black Sentinel, the elite warrior of the Obelisk, but I have yet to decide on an Archon and Prophet, and the Sentinel could always change, so get out there and start winning, the Ladders will be one of the primary sources that I'll be using to decide who to make what.

Honour | An odd announcement, but something I want to bring up. I just want to remind you all that I've been proud of the efforts you've all been putting in during Phase II, I've been very surprised with our, thus far, flawless performance within the Wargame, even considering that nobody has held back, despite their abilities. Remember, if you enjoy it, do it. It doesn't matter if you can't fly, or you can't play to save your life, if you enjoy doing it, then do it. I don't care if we lose, what I care about is if you don't enjoy it, as that is a true loss. There are a lot of people out there who will refuse to play somebody because "they're better than me", we've better than those people. People too afraid to lose don't enjoy this competition, nor do they support their Clan. Their Brothers and Sisters in the Force. I admit that we lose points for losing matches, but I'd rather lose by an honourable thousand than win by an unjust dozen. We may not be the First Clan of the Brotherhood in skill, but we can always take comfort in the fact that when it comes to being the Clan that gives it our all, and participates the most for the sheer enjoyment of it, then we come out on top.

House News:

Nice to see the reports in quite early this week, and it's pleasing to see that a fair lot of effort's going into the current round of House reports to make them more informative. My commendations extend to the Quaestors who've been putting the effort in recently...

I also want to welcome GhostAngel back to the Clan, from what I understand she has returned to us after her extended Leave. It is good to see her safe return, and I hope that she's come back to stay.

Ludo Kressh -

Primus Goluud -

Marka Ragnos -

Final Words:

Well, I'm curious how you all like the return to the past with the report format. I don't really know what brought me to choose to do this today, it just felt appropriate somehow. Like I mentioned, the Clan experienced its Golden Age when this format was last used, so perhaps it will bring us some luck for the remainder of the Great Jedi War. Any feedback would be most appreciated though, but bare in mind, AOL doesn't support fancy stuff, so I saddly can't do anything nifty like Bob's reports.

In Service to the Brotherhood,

Lord Consul Zorrixor

Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Governor Plenipotentiary of Sif

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