Well, welcome to my first AED report. I'm just recycling my Battleteam Reports at the moment till I figure out something more effective at keeping your attention :P
Turn 6 of the Wargame has just ended. Hopefully Mairin will have Turn 7 released very soon.
Final Notes - Kinda a small report here, don't have much to say that wasn't included in my first email. For those that didn't get it the first time through (some reported that they never got it) here it is again:
Welcome all. I am Kenath Zoron. As you may have heard, I am the new Aedile for this house. After the recent issue with Demos being out of contact and Sarin having been called to Iraq, Khobai and Tarkin have seen fit to elevate me to this post. As AED, I intend to get this house re-started and moving hard again. As Battleteam Leader of Apocalypse, I worked on doing that with that band of men and have succeeded as much as can be asked, for these men are flying the missions for us as they have time and are participating as much as their lives allow. Hopefully that was partly due to my boots in the butt and constant reminders to fly, maybe not. We will see how it works out on this level.
For those of you who do know me, allow me this quick background info for the others:
I have been a member of the DB for over a year now, having served in Tarentum and Alvaak's Sith houses and finally here where I feel I belong. In the time here I have served as FL-XO and CMDR in Apocalypse squadron. My EH career also includes a current tour of duty in the ASF Elite squadron Avenger as FL-XO and a Major. I serve in Phoenix Kabal in the BHG as a hunter of rank Elite. And my latest sub-group adventure was the Infiltrator Wing, where I was a simple FM of rank Major (IW).
In terms of command experience, I served almost 6 months as A-CMDR and CMDR for Wing XV's Mantis Squadron and the CMDR of Apocalypse for almost 2 months as well as the XO posts in almost every squadron I've been in - IW, DB or TC. And for the DGM's pleasure, I have taken the course that deems I'm a good leader because I know how to do paper-work.
Moving onto the situation at hand now.
Gentlemen and ladies. We are currently at a halfway point of the largest competition many of you have experienced so far in the DB. In case you've been totally blind or something, it's called the Great Jedi War. Simply put, we are at war with our fellow clans, attempting to gain as much prestige and power as possible while kicking the other clans down furthur into the mud. I fully intend to do so, moving to the top of the rankings for our Sith and for our Clan overall. So, jobs for all of you are as follows:
Battleplan Competition - This is something for you people who fancy themselves connaisseurs of the Star Wars tactics. Basically, read the conflict outline here: http://members.aol.com/hades55624/battleplan.htm then go and formulate a strategy to win the objective. Submit to Hades ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Mairin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by March 31st. Aim for the 30th to be safe.
Screenshot Competition - This competition is primarily for fun: simply submit any screenshots you want and as many as you want, from any mission on any platform to the Sith High Warrior (Hades). Remember to Zip the files so as to not piss him off eh? BTW - Screenshots during flight can be acheived using ALT-Print Screen on (I think) all platforms. They should be saved to the directory of the platform you are flying. For XvT therefore it'll save into your XvT main folder as 'flightscreen##.jpg' Just package the decent ones up and send 'em along.
Multiplayer Events - Go into #Shadowacademy when you are available to fly and place our clan's prefix on your nick (Example, for me, I use AR_Zoron) and prepare to fight whichever clan members we are fighting for that turn. At the moment, we are almost near the end of Turn 6 so don't bother with this right now because the clans we are fighting will likely have changed by the time you are all available to fight tomorrow. Turn 7 starts in about 8 or 9 hours from now (0100 PST) right after Turn 6 ends. I will (hopefully) be able to get a mail off to you guys listing who we are flying before I disconnect for my LAN party tomorrow. If I do not, simply check for an announcement on darkjedibrotherhood.org 's news page listing the fights. The winner reports the match, with score and opponents name to Mairin and Hades with the opponent CC:ed. Try to take a screenshot of your opponent confirming scores or a screenshot of the scores on each host for purposes to stop cheating and cries of a 'false' statement.
Singleplayer Events - This is hand-in-hand with the Multiplayer events. Fly whichever FREE missions are assigned for each turn on darkjedibrotherhood.org 's news page. Aim for the best score you can get and remember to participate because we still get points for every few rounds you participate in. (0.1 point for every pilot file, so 3 turns with all FREEs done gets us 1 point) This helps us do damage reduction per turn and has so far allowed us to completely negate our losses in at least 3 turns.
Open Event 1: Graphics #2 - Simply design a banner or graphic that takes in some aspect of the second part of the plot (I'm not sure what that is though...) and send to Mairin.
Open Event 2: Evil Mastermind Design - "Who is the real mastermind behind the pirate incursion? What are his aims and goals? Put yourself in the place of a master-spy, sent out to determine the whereabouts, and identity of the crook. The more detail you can provide, the better." IE - Write a piece of fiction about the person who is in charge of the pirates. You can make him up from scratch and do whatever you wish with him, simply write a nice piece of fiction and fire it off to Mairin.
There you have it. I think that is all that we have to do this Phase of the GJW. Keep working hard (or start) and we will show these people that we are worthy of being at the top of the food chain for the Sith. I certainly don't want to see the Krath and Obelisks getting pretty "Best House of their Order" plaques and us getting the "Piggy-backed off their Obbys and Kraths for a win" booby-prizes.
There's my shpeel on that matter, now get it going.
~In Darkness~
Jedi Hunter Kenath Zoron
JH Kenath Zoron (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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